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一日,刘家峧走出了男女数人,结伴来找当年太行山区的名作家赵树理。赵树理认得是二诸葛、三仙姑、金旺、小二黑和小芹,全是他的小说《小二黑结婚》中的人物,连忙热情地让座、倒茶,并询问他们为何而来。这几位异口同声,说是前来请教,但听那说话的口气,却不无质问揶揄的味道。二诸葛:赵作家,当年我抬手动脚都要论一论阴阳八卦,看一看黄道黑道,结果吃过“不宜栽种”的亏,这我忘不了,也不翻案。可是我不明白的是,怎么隔了四五十年,我那一大套又时兴起来了呢?你看现在的电话号码、汽车牌子什么的,不都讲究个“六六顺”“发发发”吗?还有,县城、省城也都有了看相、测字、算卦的,并不见有谁出来管一管。我为小二黑订亲,让他娶童养媳,小二黑死活不同意,区长批评我:“老汉!你不要糊涂了!强逼你19岁的孩子娶上个12岁的小姑娘,恐怕要生一辈子气!”现在看,区长的批评也不全在理,差7岁就不行啦?如今还有20岁的大姑 One day, Liu Jiaxun walked out several men and women and went to Zhao Shuli, a famous writer in the Taihang Mountain area. Zhao Shuli knew that the two Zhuge, Sanxiangu, Jinwang, Xiao Erhei, and Xiaoqin were all characters in his novel “Xiao Erhei Marriage.” They enthusiastically asked for seats, poured tea, and asked why they came. These people spoke in unison, saying that they came to ask for advice. However, when they listened to the tone of speech, they did not ask questions about the taste. Zhuge Ge: Zhao writers, when I lifted my hands and feet, I had to talk about yin and yang gossip. I took a look at the ecliptic gangsters. As a result, I had eaten the “not planted” deficiencies. I could not forget this, and I did not reverse the case. But what I don’t understand is, how was it that after 40 or 50 years, my big set was fashionable again? If you look at the current telephone number and car brand, don’t pay attention to a “6-six-shun.” “Is it done?” Also, the county and provincial capitals also have a look, measure, calculation, and no one out of control. I made a kiss for Xiao Erhei and asked him to raise a child. Xiao Erhe did not agree. The mayor criticized me: “Old man! Don’t be confused! Forcing your 19-year-old to marry a 12-year-old girl, I’m afraid I have to Life is full of enthusiasm!” Now, the mayor’s criticism is not entirely reasonable. If you are 7 years old, you will not be able to do it. There are now 20-year-old aunts.
介绍应用长管法和激光技术分别对伞喷喷油嘴喷油规律和喷雾特性的测试结果。结果表明,伞喷喷油嘴的喷油特性与传统的多孔喷油嘴的喷油特性大不相同。 The application of the
The reflection of regular and irregular waves from a partially perforated caisson breakwater with a rock-filled core is examined. The present mathematical model
我们发现,“茶”(shay)一词最早源于布斯塔尼的《辞海》一书,该书中曾提到:“茶”是中国的一种植物,煮沸后可饮其水,类似于阿拉伯人和其他民族饮用的咖啡。 We found that t