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各州、市、县人民政府,各地区行政公署,省直各厅、局、委、办: 去冬以来,我省的森林防火工作,由于各级党委、各级政府高度重视,加强领导,社会各方面各部门大力支持,密切配合,经过全省党政军警民,特别是第一线广大林业职工和森林防火战线全体同志的共同努力,加之天气比较有利,在三年跨出三大步的基础上,再创历史最好成绩。与去年同期相比,森林火灾次数下降76%,其中重大森林火灾下降80%,受害森林面积下降92%,受害率下降92%,死亡人数下降75%,受伤人数下降62%。较圆满地完成了国家森防总指挥部和省政府下达的控制指标。全省有东川市、德宏州、金沙江森工管理局和90个县市、1349个乡镇、128个国营林场、14个森工局无森林火灾,开创了森林防火工作的新局面。但是,在新的成绩和形势面前必须看到,我们的工作发 Since the winter, the province’s forest fire prevention work, due to the party committees at all levels, governments at all levels attach great importance to strengthen leadership and social All sectors and departments have given their full support and close cooperation. Through the concerted efforts of the party, the government, the army, the people, the general forestry workers and the forest fire prevention front in the province, and the favorable weather, they have taken three major steps in three years Based on the best record in history. Compared with the same period of last year, the number of forest fires decreased by 76%, among which the number of major forest fires decreased by 80%, the area of ​​damaged forests decreased by 92%, the victimization rate decreased by 92%, the number of deaths decreased by 75% and the number of injuries decreased by 62%. The successful completion of the national defense command headquarters and the provincial government issued control targets. There are no forest fires in Dongchuan City, Dehong Prefecture, Jinshajiang Forest Management Bureau, 90 counties and cities, 1349 townships, 128 state-owned forest farms and 14 forestry offices in the province, creating a new situation in forest fire prevention. However, in the face of new achievements and situations, we must see that our work is being done
用电流控制恒温液相外延生长Pb_(1-x)Sn_xTe对于2小时生长周期和电流密度5~17A/cm~2,生长温度在 450~600℃,得到 8~70μm生长层厚度。实验结果表明 Pb_(1-X)Sn_xTe的电外延能够
介绍了薄板坯连铸连轧的半无头轧制工艺及其技术优势、生产超薄带钢的优势以及该工艺技术对生产设备的基本要求。 The semi-endless rolling process and its technical adv
日本专利:MATSUSHITA 电子公司研制。灯是在玻壳内壁涂敷四种混合荧光材料制成的。(1)第一种荧光材料的化学式是4(Sr_(1-x)Eu_x)OYAl_2O_3。ZY_2O_3,式中 X,Y,Z 分别为0.005