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Crystal and molecular structure of [C6H2(COO)4Zn2(H2O)5]·2H2O has been determined by X-ray diffraction technique, Mr = 507. 0,monoclinic,space group P21/n,a = 5. 925(1), 6 = 23. 613(9) ,c= 11. 790(5) A ,β= 96. 36 (3)°, V=1639. 3 (1. 0) A3,Z=4,DC = 2. 05g/cm3,λ=0. 71069 A,μ(MoKa) = 30. 9/cm-1,F(000) = 1024e. The structure was solved by Patterson and Fourier techniques and refined by least-squares method to a final conventional R value of 0. 055(Re = 0. 059)for 1557(I>3σ(I))reflections. Both atoms Zn(1) and Zn(2) are bridged by the Z,E-type of the car-boxyl group, in addition, Zn (1) is monodentate-bonded to the three remaining carboxyl and Zn(2) is bonded to five water molecules. The crystal structure shows a 2-dimensional polymeric network along(010)face. The Zn(l) -O distances are in the range of 1. 94~ 2. 01 A (average 1. 98 A ). The Zn(2) -O distances are in the range of 2. 06~2. 21 A (average 2. 12A). Crystal and molecular structure of [C6H2 (COO) 4Zn2 (H2O) 5] · 2H2O has been determined by X-ray diffraction technique, Mr = 507. 0, monoclinic, space group P21 / n, , 6 = 23. 613 (9), c = 11. 790 (5) A, β = 96.36 (3) °, V = 1639.3 (1.0) A3, Z = 4, DC = 2. The structure was solved by Patterson and Fourier techniques and refined by least-squares method to a final Both atoms Zn (1) and Zn (2) are bridged by the Z, E-type of the car- (1) is monodentate-bonded to the three remaining carboxyl and Zn (2) is bonded to five water molecules. The crystal structure shows a 2-dimensional polymeric network along (010) l) -O distances are in the range of 1.94 ~ 2.01 A (average 1. 98 A). The Zn (2) -O distances are in the range of 2.06 ~ 2.21 A (average 2 12A).
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日本足球探秘  以日本足球为镜,映照中国足球之病。作为近邻,职业联赛又几乎同时起步,如今的境遇却一个天上一个地下:日本足球已成亚洲王者,且具备了向欧美强队叫板的实力;中国足球与其哀叹或反思,不如借鉴日本的经验,脚踏实地做些事情,一步一个脚印地前行。  “临门一脚欠缺”、“锋无力”的批评,在日本足球界到底源于何时?  这可以说是日本足球界的一个长年之痛,每逢四年一度的世界杯临近,国民都会烦忧心神。迄