
来源 :安徽农业科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wuwenwu321
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用卡那霉素进行室内棉苗及田间苗、蕾期 ,棉花抗虫性鉴定方法的研究 ,筛选其最佳鉴定浓度 ,同时对几个品种进行了抗虫性鉴定。研究结果表明 :室内用含卡那霉素沙床培育的棉苗 ,其子叶不敏感 ,但对其胚轴伸长有很大影响 ;用不同浓度的卡那霉素液点涂子叶 ,其子叶亦反应不敏感。田间苗蕾期用不同浓度的卡那霉素液点涂倒一叶 ,其叶片反应敏感 ,鉴定的最佳浓度为苗期 2~ 4g/L、蕾期 4~ 6g/L。对 5个品种进行抗虫性鉴定 ,1、2号品种抗虫性最好 ,3、5号品种抗虫性一般 ,4号品种不抗虫 ,结果与田间抗虫性表现调查结果一致 With kanamycin indoor cotton seedlings and field seedlings, buds, cotton insect resistance identification methods to screen the best identification of the concentration, and several varieties were insect resistance identification. The results showed that the cotton seedlings cultivated with kanamycin sand bed indoors were insensitive to cotyledons but had a great influence on their hypocotyl elongation. The cotyledons were spotted with different concentrations of kanamycin solution and their cotyledons Also reaction is not sensitive. In the field of seedling stage, different concentrations of kanamycin solution were used to pour one leaf spot, and the leaves were sensitive to the reaction. The optimum concentration for identification was 2 ~ 4g / L at seedling stage and 4 ~ 6g / L at budding stage. Insect resistance was identified in 5 cultivars. Insect resistance was the best in cultivars 1 and 2. Insect resistance in cultivars 3 and 5 was generally the same. Insect 4 was not resistant to insects. The results were in good agreement with the results of the survey on insect resistance in field
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【Abstract】 Based on the lack of study on vague language in English business correspondence, this thesis adopted Brown and Levinson’s Face Theory as well as the Politeness Principles to explain when an
目的:  通过对缺血性脑卒中伴慢性牙周炎患者和单纯慢性牙周炎患者龈下菌斑中牙周相关致病菌,牙龈卟啉单胞菌(Porphyromonas gingivalis,P.gingivalis)、中间普氏菌(Prevotel