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我国80年代初提出“三步走”的战略目标,其中第二步(国内生产总值比1980年翻两番)的目标已经实现。西部大开发将是中国第三步战略目标的重要部分。 1999年 9月 22日,江泽民在中共十五届四中全会上明确指出:国家要实施西部大开发。此后他在中央民族工作会议上强调:实施西部大开发是中国下个世纪发展的重大战略任务。 Our country put forward the strategic goal of “three steps” in the early 1980s, of which the objective of the second step (quadrupling the GDP compared with 1980) has been achieved. The development of the western region will be an important part of China’s third strategic goal. On September 22, 1999, at the Fourth Plenary Session of the 15th CPC Central Committee, Jiang Zemin made it clear that the country should carry out the great development of the western region. Since then, he emphasized at the Central Ethnic Work Conference: Carrying out the large-scale development of the western region is a major strategic task for China’s development in the next century.
据美国IT网站报道,葡萄牙图像传感器公司Awaiba推出了世界上最小的相机,这款相机名为NanEye 2B,长和宽各1毫米,高1.5毫米,配置一个硅芯片,总体积比常见的火柴头 According t
1 商品名DigiFab2 研制与开发厂商由英国Protherics公司研制,2002年3月在美国首次上市。3 适应证本品适用于治疗危及生命或对生命具有潜在威胁的地高辛中毒或过量。4 药
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The control effect of recycled noise,generated by the superposition of a primary Gaussian noise source and a secondary source with a constant delay,has been stu