Control of stochastic spike motion in an excitable system via recycled noise

来源 :Science China(Chemistry) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qunimadebicaocao
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The control effect of recycled noise,generated by the superposition of a primary Gaussian noise source and a secondary source with a constant delay,has been studied in an excitable FitzHugh-Nagumo system.We mainly focus on the performance of noise-induced spike and coherence resonance in a parameter region sub-threshold to supercritical Hopf bifurcation.For fixed noise intensity,simulations show that the coherence(quantitatively measured by R,which is defined as the mean value of the spike interval time T normalized to its mean square root) and the emission velocity of the noise-induced spikes exhibit damped oscillations with the variation of delay time,demonstrating a new kind of multi-resonance phenomenon.Furthermore,the optimal delay times for resonance and the fast emission velocity are related to the inherent frequency of the system.It seems that there are some synchronization effects between the dynamic character of the system and the delay time of recycled noise.Our results give clear information about how one can control the coherence and emission velocity of the noise-induced spike in a rather effective way,by deliberately adjusting the delay time and the fraction of the secondary noise. The control effect of recycled noise, generated by the superposition of a primary Gaussian noise source and a secondary source with a constant delay, has been studied in an excitable FitzHugh-Nagumo system. We mainly focus on the performance of noise-induced spike and coherence resonance in a parameter region sub-threshold to supercritical Hopf bifurcation. For fixed noise intensity, simulations show that the coherence (quantitatively measured by R, which is defined as the mean value of the spike interval time T normalized to its mean square root) and the emission velocity of the noise-induced spikes exhibit damped oscillations with the variation of delay time, demonstrating a new kind of multi-resonance phenomenon. Future, the optimal delay times for resonance and the fast emission velocities are related to the inherent frequency of the system.It seems that there are some synchronization effects between the dynamic character of the system and the delay time of recycled noise clear information about how one can control the coherence and emission velocity of the noise-induced spike in a rather effective way, deliberately adjusting the delay time and the fraction of the secondary noise.
【摘要】唐山依托丰富的矿藏资源,发展传统的重x-,3k,用以支撑其经济发展。但是面临环境污染、资源耗竭等问题,唐山不得不重新思考,选择走出“困境”的方法,寻求新的经济增长点。文章立足唐山经济发展方式转型的路径选择与对策,首先对唐山“十一五”规划期间经济发展中存在的问题进行剖析,借鉴国外一些典型的城市经济方式转变的案例,结合唐山城市经济发展的特点,探索出一条具有自身特色的经济发展道路。  【关键词】
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