
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(胃肠病学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cy58452
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Objective. Gender differences in gastroesophageal reflux disease have been reported. Higher frequency and severity of symptoms, lower esophageal acid exposure and lower incidence of reflux-related complications have been observed in women. The aim of this study was to determine whether there are any gender differences in clinical presentation, diagnostic evaluations and response to endoscopic therapy in patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease. Material methods. Patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease referred for endoscopic therapy were scored for typical (heartburn and regurgitation) and atypical (chest pain, cough, wheezing, and hoarseness) symptoms at baseline. Upper endoscopy, manometry and pH studies were performed for all patients. Endoscopic treatment consisted of placement of two to three sutures within 2 cm of the squamocolumnar junction. Reflux symptoms were re-scored after endoscopic treatment. Results. Ninety-five patients (37 M, 58 F, mean age 51 years) were included in the analysis. Male and female patients at baseline reported similar severity of typical reflux symptoms as well as comparable prevalence of atypical symptoms. Manometric findings were also comparable between the genders. Endoscopic and ambulatory pH studies revealed a higher incidence of erosive esophagitis and a trend towards higher acid exposures in male patients. The response to endoscopic therapy was similar for men and women. Conclusions. Apart from a higher incidence of erosive esophagitis in male patients, no major differences were found in endoscopic, manometric, esophageal acid exposure studies and clinical response to endoscopic therapy between the genders. Objectives Gender differences in gastroesophageal reflux disease have been reported. Higher aim and this severity of symptoms, lower esophageal acid exposure and lower incidence of reflux-related complications have been observed in women. The aim of this study was to determine whether there are any gender differences in clinical presentation, diagnostic evaluations and response to endoscopic therapy in patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease. Patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease referred for endogenous therapy were scored for typical (heartburn and regurgitation) and atypical (chest pain, cough, wheezing, and hoarseness) symptoms at baseline. Upper endoscopy, manometry and pH studies were performed for all patients. Endoscopic treatment consisted of placement of two to three sutures within 2 cm of the squamocolumnar junction. Reflux symptoms were re-scored after endoscopic treatment. Ninety-five patients (37 M, 58 F, mean age 51 years) were in cluded in the analysis. Male and female patients at baseline found similar severity of typical reflux symptoms as well as can prevalence of atypical symptoms. trend towards higher acid exposures in male patients. Theories to endoscopic therapy was similar for men and women. Conclusions. Apart from a higher incidence of erosive esophagitis in male patients, no major differences were found in endoscopic, manometric, esophageal acid exposure studies and clinical response to endoscopic therapy between the genders
中国新闻网消息 2013年12月12日,国家语委联合中国书协举行的“书法名家进校园”的首场活动在北京语言大学举行。85岁高龄的著名书法家欧阳中石来到现场并赠送亲笔书写的“书法名家进校园”题词。  当日活动包括当代名家作品展、书法名家现场创作、书法家现场点评和指导中外学生书法作品、书法研讨交流会等。  国家语委主任、教育部副部长李卫红表示,“书法名家进校园”活动的启动实施,是提升国民汉字书写能力的关
9月中旬,IBM发布了其最新的企业协作平台、被称为“未来桌面”的Lotus Notes和Lotus Domino 8(以下简称Lotus ND 8)。这个最新版本协作平台的最大特点,是凝聚了来自全球2.5万
摘 要  数学是小学课程的基础学科,对小学学生的整体学习成绩有着巨大的影响。随着新课程改革的不断推行,新的教学模式受到了广大师生的热议,对提升小学数学教学有效性初探,是教师在教学过程中的主要目标,有效果的教学方式才能使教学目标得到提升。为促进小学生数学全面发展,就要不断提升自身的教学水平。  【关键词】小学;数学教学;方法;有效性  由于年龄的界限,小学生是处于对新鲜事物产生好奇的时期。数学是一门
阳西县织篢镇太平礼竹坑村民自发组织捐款,修建王德符革命烈士纪念馆——镜泉书室,用革命烈士精神激励后人奋发努力,这一做法赢得阳江市老促会的充分肯定和当地党委、政府的积极支持。  革命烈士王德符是阳西县织篢镇太平礼竹坑村人。1924年参加革命,1925年加入中国共产党,1926年在广州参加毛泽东同志主办的“农民运动讲习所”学习,是年4月受上级党组织委任,回阳江六区(今阳西县)组织和发动农民革命运动,时
中国新闻网消息 记者从成都市“均衡教育、素质教育”新闻通气会上获悉,《成都市中小学教育质量综合评价改革实验方案》获得教育部认可,将启动实行。在改革中,将逐步推行“等级加评语”的评价方式,取消百分制。小学一至三年级不举行任何形式的统一考试。  方案指出,在义务教育阶段,成都将逐步推行“等级加评语”的评价方式,取消百分制,采取“优秀、良好、合格、待合格”等分级评价,多用鼓励性评语,激励学生成长。  另