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耿建华教授1982年毕业于山东大学文学与新闻传播学院。现任山东大学文学与新闻传播学院副院长,硕士研究生导师;教育部高等学校新闻学学科教学指导委员会委员,中国新闻教育学会理事,中国当代文学研究会理事,中国新闻学学会理事,山东省当代文学研究会副会长,山东影视评论学会常务理事。几十年来,耿教授笔耕不辍,在诗论方面颇有建树,著有《中国现代朦胧诗赏析》、《台湾现代诗歌赏析》、《诺贝尔文学奖获得者诗歌赏析》、《诗歌的意象艺术》、《新时期诗潮论》、《陈源抒情诗赏析》、《毛泽东诗词纵横论》等;诗歌创作也非常活跃,在诗坛很有影响,已出版诗集《青春鸟》、《白马》等。在这里,我们编选了耿教授的两首短诗以飨读者。——编者 Prof. Jianhua Jian graduated from the School of Literature and Journalism and Communication of Shandong University in 1982. Now he is the deputy dean of the School of Literature and Journalism Communication of Shandong University, and the tutor of the master graduate student; member of the Guidance Committee of Journalism Academic Discipline of the Ministry of Education; the director of the China Journalism and Education Association, the director of the Chinese Contemporary Literature Research Association, the director of the China Journalism Society, the contemporary of Shandong Province Vice President of Literature Research Association, Standing Director of Shandong Film and Television Criticism Society. In the past decades, Prof. Tong has been acquainted with writing and has made great achievements in poetics. He is the author of “appreciation of modern Chinese poems”, “appreciation of modern poems in Taiwan”, “appreciation of Nobel Prize winners in poetry” and “images of poetry”. “Art”, “The Tide of Poetry in New Era”, “Appreciation of Chen Yuanyu’s Love Poetry,” “Mao Zedong’s Poetry Theory”, etc.; poetry creation is also very active. It has a lot of influence on the poetry and published poetry collections “Young Bird” and “White Horse”. Wait. Here, we have compiled two short poems by Prof. Yi for readers. --editor
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