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采用参与式农村评估方法,对余姚农户安全饮水和卫生健康状况进行调查,由调研地区农户自己通过座谈、讨论、问卷等具体访谈方法,发现农村饮用水和卫生健康状况存在的问题,分析问题的成因,形成解决问题的对策措施,对农民饮水的现状和成因进行分析,结合本市四明山区户籍人口同实际住宅人口的差异,要求把外来人口也列入资金补助范围,同时由于山区老弱病小人口居多,无力支撑大量的管理费用成本。提出通过明确政府公共职责范围、完善公共财政的转移支付制度、加强山区水源地保护、落实长效管理机制,得出政府的强力介入和供给主体的异化是解决困境的有效途径。 A participatory rural appraisal method was used to investigate the safety drinking water and sanitation status of farmers in Yuyao. The farmers in the survey area were found through informal interviews, discussions and questionnaires, and found out the problems existed in rural drinking water and sanitation, and analyzed the problems Causes and forms the countermeasures and measures to solve the problem. It analyzes the status quo and cause of peasants drinking water, and combines the difference between the household population and the actual residential population in Siming Mountain of this Municipality, and requests that the foreign population should also be included in the scope of capital subsidy. At the same time, Mostly ill small population, unable to support a large number of management costs. It puts forward that it is an effective way to solve the dilemma by clarifying the scope of government public responsibility, perfecting the public finance transfer payment system, strengthening the protection of mountain water sources and implementing the long-term management mechanism.
化妆品的历史与天然动植物资源不可分。这是化妆品的第一代。那时的人们知道用天然的油脂对皮肤做单纯的物理防护。据说,古埃及人4000多年前就已在护肤和美容上使用了动植物油脂、矿物油和植物花朵。古希腊人用烟黑涂描眼睫毛,然后涂上黄白色的天然橡胶浆,以美化睫毛。  然而,化妆不仅仅是件自然天成的事。在人类还无法正确了解化学物质时,化妆品便已经与化学物质为伍了。在中国殷商时期,人们发现铅的化合物有增白效果,
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制作方法: 1.将厚纸栽成纸条,按图将纸条成“L”型反复重叠,做成风琴状。 2.完成后,按图形用胶水将首端的纸口粘合,而另一个纸口则維持不变,以作头部的接合点。 3.按图将颜
福邦2Z-8238B型插秧机,是乘坐式自走水稻种植机具。主要特点:采用175F型柴油机作发动机,动力性能稳定、 Fukang 2Z-8238B transplanter, riding self-propelled rice planti