无可奈何花落去 不曾相识燕未来——评新编多场次青春粤剧《梦惊西游》

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在2004年第四届羊城国际粤剧节上,有幸看了一出由广州市文化局出品,广州振兴粤剧基金会监制,广州市文艺创作研究所策划制作,广东粤剧院一团、广东粤剧院青年剧团、广州粤剧团、广州红豆粤剧团等团体一些青年演员联合演出,梁郁南、欧阳明编剧,余汉东导演的多场次青春粤剧——《梦惊西游》。说实在话,该剧舞台装置并非大制作(因为近几年来粤剧时兴,故特提),较简洁,但从该剧打出的口号,其选材的内容和 In 2004 the 4th Guangzhou International Cantonese Opera Festival, fortunate enough to have seen a produced by the Guangzhou Bureau of Culture, Guangzhou revitalization of the Guangdong Opera Foundation producer, Guangzhou Institute of Arts and creative planning production, a group of Guangdong Cantonese opera theater, Guangdong Cantonese opera youth The troupe, the Guangzhou Cantonese Opera Troupe and the Guangzhou Hong Dou Cantonese Opera Troupe performed jointly with some young performers such as Liang Yunan, Ouyang Ming, and Yu Han Dong. To be honest, the opera stage device is not a big production (because the recent dramatic opera, so special), more concise, but the slogan from the play, its selection of materials and
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