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《初中英语教学大纲》指出:教学内容要渗透思想道德因素,要寓思想教育于语言教学中。因此,可以说道德教育是每位英语教师义不容辞的责任。英语教师应结合教材的内容和特点,充分挖掘德育因素,在值日报告中,单词和习惯用语教学中,对话、课文教学中,小诗、格言和歌曲中以及布置作业中适时地对学生进行德育渗透和教育,实现既教书又育人的双重目的。 “Junior high school English syllabus” pointed out: teaching content to infiltrate the ideological and moral factors, to integrate ideological education in language teaching. Therefore, it can be said that moral education is an obligatory responsibility for every English teacher. English teachers should make full use of the content and characteristics of the textbook to fully explore the moral factors in the daily report, the word and idiom teaching, dialogue, text teaching, poetry, aphorisms and songs and arranging assignments in a timely manner to students Moral education infiltration and education, to achieve the dual purpose of both teaching and educating people.
学校心理健康教育教师,在国际上被称为学校心理学家.1996年国际学校心理学会(the International School Psychology Association)对学校心理学家提出如下定义:“学校心理学家
在小学语文诗歌教学中,教师要积极开展美育教育,通过引导学生朗读古诗,品味古诗语言和情感,体味到古诗独特的魅力,从而提升学生的审美情志和水平,促进学生的完善发展。 In p
NSFC announced lists of approved cooperative projects with France and Germany on July 29.Among them,12 projects are jointly funded with Agence Nationale de Rech
The 4th Plenary Session of the 6th NSFC General Assembly was held in Beijing on March 23rd, 2011. At the opening ceremony, NSFC President Chen Yiyu delivered N
A NSFC delegation,led by Prof.Sun Jiaguang,Vice President of the foundation,paid a visit to Aus tralian Research Council(ARC) and New Zealand Foundation for Res