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1981年积石山保安族东乡族撒拉族自治县在县城吹麻滩锣鼓喧天、万民共庆中宣告成立。她地处甘肃省西南部、临夏州西北角小积石山东麓。县名因大禹治水“导河积石,立于龙门”沿袭而来。作为甘肃省惟一的多民族自治县,保安、东乡、撒拉、回、汉、土、藏、蒙、维吾尔、羌等10个民族互敬互爱,和睦相处。全国惟一的保安族聚居在积石山下,以其特有的传统文化和民俗风情,已成为祖国大家庭中一朵绚丽多姿的奇葩。中华民族的母亲河——黄河流经六乡一镇,蜿蜒40公里。县城兼具了青藏高原与黄土高原两大地理特征,物产丰富,气候宜人。“积石山自治县境内还因马家窑、马厂、齐家、辛店四种类型的古文化遗址,而蜚声中外,倍受国内外 1981 Jishishan Baoan Dongxiang Salar Autonomous County in the county blowing Ma Ma percussion, all the people celebrated the establishment of the celebration. She is located in the southwestern Gansu Province, Linxia Northwest Jidi Stone Mountain. County name because of Dayu flood control ”River guide stone, stand in the gantry “ followed. As the only multi-ethnic autonomous county in Gansu Province, 10 ethnic groups, including the security, Dongxiang, Salar, Hui, Han, Tu, Tibet, Mongolia, Uyghur and Qiangs, respected each other for love and harmony. The only security guard in the country lives under Jishan Mountain, which, with its unique traditional culture and folk customs, has become a colorful and wonderful flower in the family of the motherland. The mother river of the Chinese nation - the Yellow River flows through six townships and one town, winding 40 kilometers. County has both the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and the Loess Plateau two geographical features, rich products, the climate is pleasant. ”Jishishan Autonomous County also due to Majiayao, Ma Chang, Qi, Xin stores four types of ancient cultural sites, and renowned at home and abroad, much at home and abroad
【内容摘要】当前初中生口语交际能力的一些培养策略偏离了目标,因此需要从本源体认的角度重新确定口语交际的出发点,然后建立诸如专题训练激发兴趣、语境引导激活潜力、生活情境生成能力等策略。口语交际训练的教学,需要关注社会环境对学生语言系统的影响。  【关键词】初中语文 口语交际 能力训练 探究  《义务教育语文课程标准》(2011 版)对口语交际的目标是,(让学生)“具有日常口语交际的基本能力,在各种交
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