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巴黎是世界著名的文明古城,它的历史可追溯到两千年前。它在艺术、酿酒等方面所取得的成就,令世人瞩目。如今,它已是世界上接待旅游者人数最多的城市之一。无论是埃菲尔铁塔的挺拔,还是凯旋门的壮丽;也无论是卢浮宫的辉煌,还是巴黎圣母院的神奇……都吸引着天南海北成千上万的游人流连忘返。但对于初到巴黎的人来说,还没等找到要去的地方,面对着眼前这些纵横交错的街道和它两旁参差错落的建筑,恐怕早已“找不着北了”。可是,小住数日之后,却会感到纵横交错的地铁网,给我们这些初来乍到的“新客”带来诸多便利。 Paris is a world-famous ancient city of civilization. Its history can be traced back to two thousand years ago. Its achievements in art, winemaking, etc., have caught the attention of the world. Today, it is one of the most visited cities in the world. Whether it is the uprightness of the Eiffel Tower or the splendour of the Arc de Triomphe, whether it is the glory of the Louvre or the magic of Notre-Dame Cathedral, it attracts thousands of visitors from the South to the North. But for those who first arrived in Paris, before they could even find the place to go, facing the criss-cross streets and the buildings with both sides and miscellaneous elements, I am afraid that they would not be able to find it. However, after a few days of small residences, they will feel criss-crossing subway networks, which will bring us a lot of convenience for these new arrivals.
Aim: To evaluate the role of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) as a potential environmental hazard in the deteriora-tion of male fertility. Methods: Fifty-three
Aim: To propose a practical clinical classification for the chronic prostatitis (CP). Methods: The clinical fea-tures and the findings in the expressed prostat
本院1998年9月~1999年8月收治20例肾绞痛发作病例,现将诊治体会报告如下。1 临床资料1.1 一般资料本组男16例,女4例,年龄25岁~60岁,病程3天~7月。1.2 临床表现 20例均呈阵发性
输尿管开口异位症是一种临床少见病。我院自1982年10月~1999年10月共收治10例,经检查确诊后予以手术治疗,均获痊愈,现将诊治体会总结如下。1 临床资料1.1 一般资料本组10例均