Oxalic acid as a catalyst for efficient synthesis of bis-(indolyl)methanes,and 14-aryl-14H-dibenzo[a

来源 :Chinese Chemical Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wlj190151
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A simple,efficient,and environment benign route was developed for the preparation of bis-(indolyl)methanes and 14-aryl-14H- dibenzo[a,j]xanthenes from condensation of various aromatic aldehydes or ketones with indole,and 2-naphthol,respectively,using oxalic acid catalyst in aqueous medium.Use of cheap and easily available catalyst,better yields and simple reaction protocol are the advantages of the present method. A simple, efficient, and environment benign route was developed for the preparation of bis- (indolyl) methanes and 14-aryl-14H- dibenzo [a, j] xanthenes from condensation of various aromatic aldehydes or ketones with indole, and 2-naphthol , respectively, using oxalic acid catalyst in aqueous medium. Use of cheap and readily available catalyst, better yields and simple reaction protocol are the advantages of the present method.
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