What You Make of Your Life Is Up to You拥有什么样的人生取决于你自己

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   Every person creates his or her own reality. Authorship1 of your life is one of your absolute rights; yet so often people deny that they have the ability to script2the life they desire. They look past3 the fundamental4 truth that it is not our external resources that determine our success or failure, but rather our own belief in ourselves and our willingness to create a life according to our highest aspirations5.
   Clearly, the challenge here is to create and own your own reality. When you begin to live your life understanding that what you make of it is up to you, you are able to design it according to your authentic choices and desires. You will learn lessons here, such as responsibility and limitlessness, which will lead you to the life you were meant to live. These lessons provide you with the essential tools you need in order to take command of your life.
   Responsibility 责任
   To take responsibility means you admit your accountability6 and acknowledge your influence and role in the circumstances in which you find yourself. It means you are answerable for yourbehavior and you fully accept any consequences created by your actions.
   To take responsibility will propel7 you forward and onward to your greater goal. I know of a woman named Mary whose story of personal responsibility has always inspired me. Mary was born in Cuba and moved to Miami with her family when she was two years old. They lived in terrible poverty in a dangerous part of the city, where crime and drugs were part of everyday life. Mary was determined, however, even at the young age of eight, to make something of her life other than follow the expected route of becoming a maid, or a cashier at the local supermarket. So she got herself to school each and every day, sometimes having to step over drunks passed out8 in the doorway, just so she could get education and give herself a better life.
   Mary eventually left Miami, obtained a good education, and fostered9 her natural music ability. Mary could have given in to the life she was born into, or remained mired10 in blaming her parents and culture for her circumstances. She could have refused to take responsibility for the situation. Instead, however, Mary took responsibility for herself and created a life of which she can be proud.
   Responsibility is a major lesson of adulthood. If you still haven’t learned the lesson of responsibility, it’s not too late.Remember, life will provide you with plenty of opportunities to get it right.
   Limitlessness 潜能无限
   Limitlessness is the sense that there are no boundaries to what you can become or do. You learn it when you know that your evolution11 is never-ending and your potential12 for growth reaches to infinity13.
   You were born knowing your limitlessness. As you grew and became socialized in this world, however you might have come to believe that there are boundaries that prevent you from reaching the highest levels of spiritual, motional, or mental evolution. However, boundaries exist only in your mind. When you are able to transcend14 them, you learn the lesson of limitlessness.
   When I was young, I had a teacher who understood the importance of this lesson. She reminded us every day that we could do anything we set our minds to, no matter how impossible it might seem or how strong the opposition is. It is my sincere hope that there is a teacher like Mrs. Carbone in every school around the world, so that our children can know the wonder and power they have within themselves and will strive15 to access it.
   In this world, we have countless people who have proven that a person can do whatever he or she strives to do.
Ⅰ. 根据图片写出下列国家的名称。        Ⅱ. 根据句意和首字母提示完成句中的单词。  1. New York is a c________ in the United States.  2. A________ you from Japan?  3. My pen pal l________ in Tokyo.  4. People from C________ speak Englis
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材料  colour paper 彩色吹塑纸、paper clip 曲别针、string 线、stick 小木棍或bamboo 竹杆    制作过程   1. 在各色吹塑纸上画出各种形状的小鱼并剪下。  2. 在每条小鱼上,别上一枚曲别针。  3. 线的一头系在小木棍或小竹杆上,另一头系上一小块磁铁,做钓鱼钩。  4. 把做好的鱼放在水盆里,小朋友就可以玩钓鱼游戏了。