You Are What You Gesture

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  Research had shown just only 7% of human communication is through the actual words.
  93% of what we communicate with other is nonverbal.
  It our tone of voice, our pitch, our posture, micro expressions on our face and different gesture that we might use.
  Beyond the words, lies a fascinating world of non-verbal communication.
  Read the table, go find something interesting.

  Airquote gesture, the speaker use the gesture to say, oh, actually I don’t mean that.
  e.g.Wife: What do you think of my new dress, honey?
  Husband: I like (Makes quote marks with his fingers) it.
  Wife: (Angry) I saw that!
  Crossed fingers are used to wish for good luck or to nullify (to make null) a promise.
  Knocking on wood is a gesture used to ensure that a good thing will continue to occur after it has been acknowledged. However, it is sometimes used after speaking of a plausible unfortunate event, so that it does not actually occur.
  High five is a celebratory ritual in which two people raise one hand and then slap these hands together. The gesture often goes before the phrase “Give me five” or “High five”.
  Touching or tapping the side of the nose with the index finger means “we share a secret”. It is of British origin and then was popularized in America by the Oscarwinning movie The Sting.(奥斯卡获奖影片《骗中骗》)
  Thumbing the nose is a sign of derision(嘲笑,愚弄)in Britain made by putting your thumb on your nose and wiggling your fingers.
  Hand over heart involves placing one’s right hand, palm outstretched and facing in, over one’s heart. Male hat or cap wearers typically remove their hats and hold them in this hand. In some cultures, it is used as a gesture of respect towards flags or during singing of a national anthem (national song).
  Rock, represented by a clenched fist.
  Scissors, represented by two fingers extended and separated.
  Paper, represented by an open hand, with the fingers connected (horizontal).
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