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节日期间,商场门外经常会有许多厂家做大型的户外促销活动,洋人称之为 RoadShow,国人叫做——“店外秀”。不可否认这种活动在新品推介、品牌传播方面曾经起到了较大的作用。但是,你方唱罢我登场,店外秀从形式到内容的同质化,不仅让看热闹的老百姓乐不起来,其场地费、演出费的日益攀升,也让活动主办者打不起精神。为此,笔者独辟蹊径在科龙湖南分公司资源有限的情况下,成功地与 During the festival, there are often many manufacturers outside the mall to do large-scale outdoor promotions, foreigners call RoadShow, people called - “shop show ”. It is undeniable that such activities in the new product promotion, brand communication has played a greater role. However, when you sing me, the appearance of the store from the form to the content of the homogeneity, not only to see the lively people do not enjoy it, the venue fees, performance fees, rising, but also to make the organizers can not afford to spur the spirit . To this end, the author unique in Kelon Hunan branch of limited resources, successfully with
Background: Heat shock protein (HSP) 105 is a 105-kDa protein, recently discovered by serological analysis of recom-binant cDNA expression libraries prepared fr
PURPOSE: Recent studies have shown that the type 1/2 CD4+T cell (Th1/Th2) balance shifts toward Th2 dominance in cancer-bearing state or by surgical stress. Per
Background: Success of chemotherapy and alleviation of pain are frequently less than optimal in pancreatic cancer patients, leading to increasing interest in ne
病人男,47岁.胸闷、心悸20余天.查体:心率94次/min,血压85/65mmHg(11.3/8.6 kPa);面部水肿,颈静脉怒张;心音低钝.心电图示左室低电压,部分导联ST-T段压低.心脏彩色超声见右心房内位于静脉窦壁前方、卵圆窝之后上方由右房顶至右房外侧壁处4处中等回声光团,大小分别为2.01 cm×1.20cm、1.95cm×2.49cm、2.43 cm×2.90cm、1.49cm× 1
央视重大活动报道所提供的创意性投放空间非常大,投放效果好不好关键在于企业能否有意识、有计划地把重大活动的广告价值挖掘充分。 CCTV major events reported the delive
Currently there is considerable interest among oncologists to find anticancer drugs in Chinese herbal medicine (CHM). In the past, clinical data showed that som