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山川美景寄深情,情与景会,意与物通,是中国古代文学反映生活、表达思想的一种传统手法。所谓“肖貌天地,禀性五情”(《文心雕龙·序志》),“草木之微,依情待实”(《文心雕龙·情采》)、“附理者切类以指事,起情者依微以拟议”((文心雕龙·比兴》),就是这种手法在理论上的早期概括。杨朔在他的散文(选入中学语文的是佳作的一部分)创作中,继承、发扬了古代文学这一表现手法的长处,形成了自己的表现特点——寓强烈的爱国主义思想深情于祖国美丽的山川景物描述中,透过艺术的启迪和感染,去发人深思,催人奋进。选入中学语文课本的杨朔的散文,有《香 The beauty of mountains and rivers sent deep feelings, sentiments and ambitions, meaning and material communication, is a traditional way of reflecting life and expressing ideology in ancient Chinese literature. The so-called “Shaw-Looking Heaven and Earth, the ambiguous five emotions” (“Wen Xin Diao Long Prelude”), “The micro-grassiness, and the actual situation” (“Wen Xin Diao Long and Affection”) In order to refer to the matter, the detractor was proposed by Wei ("(Wen Xin Diao Long Bi Xing)), which is the theoretical early summary of this method. Yang Hao is in his prose (selected into the middle school language is a masterpiece of Part of the creation, inherited and promoted the strengths of this expression of ancient literature, and formed its own performance characteristics - with a strong patriotism and deep feelings in the beautiful landscape description of the motherland, through the inspiration and infection of art, To provoke thoughts and inspire people to advance into the prose of Yang Lan’s essays, which have been selected into high school language textbooks.
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取一根长约35—40cm的细玻管,用线系住平衡点挂在铁架的铁圈或铁夹上,再把事先糊好的空纸袋挂在玻管的两端,并使之平衡后, Take a thin glass tube about 35-40cm in lengt
从1980学年开始,我县部分初中实验了北京月坛中学刘朏朏老师和北京师院分院高原副教授所创造的“视察—分析——表达作文三级训练体系”。现简要谈谈我们的体会。 Since th