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在外行人眼中,这个看起来像张黑色厚纸的东西其实是个新颖的柔韧电池。它能为未来各式玩意的开拓带来新契机,如可自我驱动的纸飞机和能为手机充电的智能口袋等。 In layman’s eyes, what looks like black thick paper is actually a novel and flexible battery. It can bring new opportunities for the future development of various kinds of games, such as self-driven paper planes and smart pockets that can be used to charge mobile phones.
教例:牛津版5A第八单元以句型“I have.W hat doyou have?W hat does he/shehave?”为主,单词为火柴、枕头、毯子、毛巾、锅、火炉、望远镜。如何将这些看似无关的内容有机地
Chengdu of Sichuan province is actively promoting the work on energy conservation and emission reduction.Huaneng Chengdu Power Plant and 44 small cement plants
On December 12th,2007 Yibin Paper Industry Co,Ltd(SH:600793)announced that it received a documentfrom Sichuan Environmental Protection Bureau on December10th,2
Clarifying human affairs by understanding thepattern of the heavens FOR ordinary Chinese, the Book of Changes (Zhouyi 周易) is usually taken as a mystical book
China Shenhua Energy Company Ltd.(China Shenhua,HK:1088,SH:601088)announces its results for 2007.In accordance with the Interna-tional Financial Reporting Stan
【正】 Zhang Zhixin,a senior engineer who had worked in Nanchang Research Institute of Industry Technology,developed a new technology that using gypsum to pro-d
【正】 Shandong Humon Smelting Co.,Ltd.(Shaodong Humon,SZ:002237),located in Yantai,Shandong province,announces the operating rev-enue from the chemical busines
在英语专业学生的基础英语教学中,传统的翻译教学法和听说教学法都逐渐让出了主角的舞台,取而代之的是交际教学法。换言之,从师生角色的角 In the basic English teaching o
【正】 Problems in transportation will become the main factor of sulfur supply deficit in May and June,commented by an expert of Digital Business.Sulfur price h