抓住重点 举一反三——应用题总复习琐议

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在应用题总复习中,不能巨细不分,眉毛胡子一把抓,也不能就事论事,就题解题,忽视知识的规律性和内在联系,而要分清主次,抓住重点,做到举一反三,触类旁通。下面谈我的肤浅的体会。一、抓住内在联系。小学数学各部分知识之间都存在着一定的相互关系,应用题也不例外。它们之间相互渗透,相互影响,相互制约,既有各自的不同特点,又有彼此的相互联系。总复习时,引导学生揭示各部分知识之间的相同点和不同点,抓住它们的内在联系,才能使学生将所学的知识融会贯通,掌握解题的熟练技巧。基于这样的认识,我在复习前一部分知识时,注意适当顾及后一部分知识,在复习后一部分知识时,注意适当照应前一部分知识,做到由此及彼,瞻前顾后。例如《总复习》(全日制十年制 In the general review of the application questions, you can not be the same size, eyebrows beard scratched, nor can the matter matter, to solve problems, ignoring the regularity of knowledge and internal relations, but to distinguish between primary and secondary, to seize the key points, so go apers further and vice versa. Here to talk about my superficial experience. First, seize the inner link. There is a certain interrelationship between the elementary mathematics knowledge of all parts, the application of the title is no exception. Their mutual infiltration, mutual influence and mutual restraint, both have their own different characteristics, but also interrelated with each other. In the general review, guiding students to reveal similarities and differences between different parts of knowledge and grasping their internal connections will enable students to integrate the knowledge they have learned and master the skill of solving problems. Based on this understanding, I, while reviewing the previous part of my knowledge, pay due attention to the latter part of knowledge with due regard. When reviewing a part of the knowledge, I pay due attention to the appropriate knowledge of the previous part of the knowledge so that I can look forward to the conclusion. For example, “General Review” (full-time ten-year system
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