Three Rooms

来源 :中小学外语教学(小学篇) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cdzq911
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故事是小学生学习语言的重要语料和途径。在小学英语教学中运用故事有利于激发学生的学习兴趣,有效解决小学生英语学习动机不足的难题。听故事、讲故事、读故事和演故事等一系列活动不仅可以训练学生的听、说、读、写能力,而且能培养学生的英语语感,发展学生的思维能力。为了帮助和指导教师在教学中更好地运用故事,同时为教师提供更多的教学资源,本刊特开设了“故事园地”这一栏目,欢迎广大教师踊跃为本栏目撰稿。为本栏目所撰写的故事应当适合小学生的英语水平,有一定的寓意和趣味性。每个故事后可以设计引导学生理解故事内容、掌握并运用故事中所蕴含的语言知识的教学活动,供读者和教师在故事前、故事中或故事后灵活应用,并简要说明设计该教学活动的意图。本栏目的撰写体例请参照本刊已经刊登的故事。 The story is an important corpus and way for pupils to learn the language. The use of stories in primary English teaching is conducive to stimulating students ’interest in learning and effectively solving the problem of pupils’ lack of motivation in English learning. A series of activities such as listening to stories, telling stories, reading stories and staging can not only train students’ ability of listening, speaking, reading and writing, but also cultivate students’ sense of English language and develop students’ thinking ability. In order to help and guide teachers to make better use of the stories in teaching and to provide teachers with more teaching resources, this magazine has set up a section entitled “Story Garden”, and teachers are welcome to contribute to this section. The stories written for this section should be suitable for pupils’ English proficiency and have a certain meaning and interest. After each story, we can design a teaching activity that guides the students to understand the content of the story, master and apply the language knowledge contained in the story for readers and teachers to flexibly apply before the story, the story or after the story, and briefly describe the design of the teaching activity intention. Please refer to the story of this magazine has been published.
心理学指出,兴趣是个体积极探究某种事物或进行某种活动,并在其中产生积极情绪体验的心理倾向,也是人才成长的起点。学习兴趣则是学习者力求认识世界, Psychology points ou
一、故事内容It is a nice day.The farmers are workingin the field.They work and sing happily.Aboy is shepherding on the top of the hill.Heis having a rest under
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