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五月是花的季节,五月的昆明是花的海洋,绚丽多姿.一个盛大的’99世界园艺博览会让昆明市繁花似锦,人潮如涌.不单是花的妆点,还有绿荫、长街、滇池、翠湖,整个昆明市都成了一座大园林.自然气息和韵致无时无处不在,人与自然和谐相处,令人难忘.“人与自然——迈向二十一世纪”这个世纪末的主题,在这里得到了充分的体现.世博园分为国际展区和中国展区两大部分,各有特色,相映辉彰.国际展区的农艺色彩较重,着重展示了各国独有的特色植物品种以及农艺(农业)科技新成果,令人叹为观止.在那里,我们见识了许多前所未闻的植物品种,无论外形、颜色、质地、气味等,都给人以特别的感觉,毕竟是从遥远的地方带来的,真不知如何形容它们.若非到此,何能得见,只有感叹而已了. May is the flower season. In May, Kunming is a sea of ​​flowers. It is beautiful and colorful. A grand ’99 World Horticultural Exposition has made Kunming City flourish with a crowd of people. It is not only a flower’s makeup but also a shade of greenery. , Long Street, Dianchi Lake, Cui Lake, and the entire Kunming City have become a large garden. The natural atmosphere and charm are everywhere, people and nature live in harmony and unforgettable. “People and nature - to 21 The theme of this century at the end of the century has been fully reflected here. The Expo site is divided into two major sections: the international exhibition area and the China exhibition area. Each has its own characteristics and reflects each other. The international exhibition area has a heavier agronomical color and emphasizes the uniqueness of countries. The unique plant species and new achievements in agronomy (agriculture) science and technology are breathtaking. There, we have seen many unheard-of plant species, giving us a special feeling in terms of appearance, color, texture, and smell. After all, it was brought in from faraway places. I really don’t know how to describe them. If I didn’t arrive here, I could only see what I could see. Only lamented.
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我们生活在一个五彩缤纷的世界,与之相应,色彩词作为浩如烟海的汉语词汇中的一个小“家族”,其表现力非常丰富。 We live in a colorful world. Correspondingly, color wor
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