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切实掌握科研费分配的依据,正确认识和遵循科研费分配的原则,对于科学合理地分配使用科研费,发挥其最大经济效益,更好更快地促进科研事业的发展具有十分重要的意义。现就此问题谈点认识。一、科研费的特点分析科研费的分配和其它经费一样,都必须有各自的依据和原则。有的同志不了解科研费分配的依据和原则,不明确经费分配的数量指标是如何确定的;有的同志只讲任务需要,不考虑财力可能,相互攀比,互争指标,认为“科研任务需要多少钱,就得给多少”;有的领导为了减少矛盾,有时产生大家都“花点科研费”的思想和做法;业务部门之间职责不清,不按经费分配的依据和原则办事,擅自处理答复问题。上述问题的出现除少数出于本单位利益考虑外,大部分是由于不了解或不完全了解经费分配的依据和原则而产生的。以上这些想法和做法必将造成科研任务、课题和项目铺得面广、分散,且与主要研究方向结合不紧,设备利用率不高,经费分散、效益不好等不良后果。应当指出,科研费分配和管理与其它经费的分配和管理是有区别的。科研经费较其它经费在来源渠道、开支范围、管理办法等方面均有不同之处,因而其分配的依据和原则就有所不同。如军队生活费用主要用于保障我军人员的基本生活需要,它主要依据供应标准和人员实力计领,采取实报实销的管理办 To effectively grasp the basis for the distribution of scientific research fees and to correctly understand and follow the principle of the distribution of scientific research funds is of great significance for scientific and rational allocation of scientific research fees, maximization of economic benefits, and better and faster promotion of the development of scientific research. Now talk about this issue understanding. First, the analysis of the characteristics of research fees The distribution of research fees and other funds, they must have their own basis and principles. Some comrades do not understand the basis and principle of the distribution of scientific research fees, and do not know exactly how the quantitative indicators of the allocation of funds are allocated. Some comrades only talk about the tasks required, do not consider the possibility of financial resources, How much money you have to give “; some leaders in order to reduce the contradiction, and sometimes we all” ideas and practices "of the idea and practice; responsibilities between the business department is not clear, not according to the rationale for the allocation of funds and principles of work, without authorization Deal with the answer questions. Except for a small number of the above problems, which are considered for the benefit of our own units, most of them are caused by ignorance or incomplete understanding of the basis and principle of the distribution of funds. These ideas and practices will surely cause the scientific research tasks, projects and projects to be widely distributed, scattered, and the main research direction is not tight, equipment utilization is not high, decentralized funds, poor efficiency and other adverse consequences. It should be pointed out that there is a difference between the distribution and management of scientific research fees and the distribution and management of other funds. The funds for research are different from other funds in terms of source channels, scope of expenses, management methods and other aspects. Therefore, the basis and principle of their distribution are different. If the cost of living the army is mainly used to protect the basic needs of our military personnel, it is mainly based on supply standards and personnel strength,
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