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一在认识钱章之前,我的眼里只有两种人:好人和坏蛋。但眼下,看着一脸愁容满身酒气躺在我家沙发上的这个人,我不得不承认这个世界上还有一类人——好坏人。披着坏人皮囊,行着好人心肠。妻子从卧室出来,手上拿着一条毛毯,轻轻地盖在了钱章身上。回头跟我四目相对,同时露出一个会心的苦笑。一准儿又是老家那边来电话了,唉……这次是一条短信,要八万块钱择校费,还提起十六年前的一笔旧账。说钱章当年借她妈的六百块钱至今未还,让他连本带息还上。 Before I knew the money, there were only two people in my eyes: good and bad. But for now, looking at the man with a sad face lying on the couch in my home, I have to admit there is another type of person in this world - good and bad. Dressed in bad people’s skin, good heart. The wife came out of the bedroom with a blanket in her hand and gently covered the coin. Go back with my eyes, while showing a knowing smile. Accurate child is the home side of the phone, alas ... ... This is a text message, 80,000 yuan to choose school fees, but also mention an old account 16 years ago. That Qianzhang borrow her mother six hundred dollars so far has not yet returned, so that he even with the interest rate still on.
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中国文化软实力与经济实力不相匹配,这是不言而喻的事情。原因何在?多种原因中很重要一点是话语系统的制约。关注中国参与的国际对话,不难发现一个很有趣同时引发思考的现象,来自中国政府官员与世界大多数国家官员的话语系统存在明显差异。习惯于“讲政治”的中国官员,无时无处不采用政治话语系统,这个系统很独特,往往让人听不懂,甚至误读。  讲政治是我们的优势,但政治泛化和泛政治化,尤其不分场合讲政治,难免把自己置
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“学生的学习取决于他自己做了些什么 ,而不是教师做了些什么。”这是美国著名的教育家、课程理论专家泰勒的一句话 ,指出了学生学习的本质。初中化学课程改革的一个重要而具