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真正的哲学是时代精神的精华 ,它不仅表达时代精神 ,而且参与塑造时代精神。哲学要想充满活力 ,便必须与时代同步前进。今天我们所面临的社会主义市场经济的强劲兴起和经济全球化的急速展开 ,无疑正是时代巨变的标志。这必然要求哲学的根本性变化 ,而回应这一时代的要求 ,则是每一个哲学工作者无可推卸的历史使命。但为了使回应工作富有成效 ,我们必须先行对时代的要求、哲学发展的可能趋向 ,通过讨论形成某种程度的共识。事实上 ,近年来人们已经频繁地进行着这种讨论 ,但讨论似还有进行下去的必要。正是基于这种认识 ,南开大学哲学系的部分学者从各自的研究领域出发 ,就此提出了自己的见解。这些议论虽然涉及到马克思主义哲学、中国传统哲学、西方哲学、逻辑学、美学等各个方面 ,但其旨趣却都是指向新世纪中国的哲学发展趋向 ,文章的观点也都是在深思熟虑的基础上提出来的。本刊发表这些文章 ,也是意在促进这一探讨的深入发展 True philosophy is the essence of the spirit of the times. It not only expresses the spirit of the times, but also participates in shaping the spirit of the times. To be dynamic, philosophy must move forward in keeping with the times. The strong rise of the socialist market economy and the rapid economic globalization we are facing today are undoubtedly the hallmarks of the dramatic changes in our times. This necessarily requires fundamental changes in philosophy. In response to the requirements of this era, it is an unshirkable historical mission for every philosopher. However, in order for the response to be fruitful, we must first go ahead with the requirements of the times and the possible trends in philosophical development and form a certain degree of consensus through discussions. In fact, this kind of discussion has been carried out frequently in recent years, but discussion seems to be necessary. It is based on this understanding that some scholars of the Department of Philosophy of Nankai University put forward their own opinions on the basis of their respective fields of research. Although these arguments involve all aspects of Marxist philosophy, traditional Chinese philosophy, western philosophy, logic, and aesthetics, their motives are all in line with the philosophical development trend of China in the new century. The articles are all based on careful consideration Put forward. The publication of these articles is also intended to promote the further development of this discussion
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