关心爱护人才 正确使用人才

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胡耀邦同志在党的十二大报告中指出:“我们要全面开创社会主义现代化建设的新局面,必须特别重视充分发挥知识分子的作用”,要“使全党和全社会认识知识分子同工人、农民一样是我们建设社会主义的依靠力量,并且决心尽可能地创造条件,使广大知识分子能够心情舒畅、精神振奋地为人民贡献力量。”我们反复学习、反复讨论了胡耀邦同志这段论述,感到非常亲切。怎样给知识分子创造条件,怎样使知识分子精神振奋?,回顾党的十一届三中全会以来我们落实知识分子政策的情况,我们认为,作为一个教育部门的领导者,应该善于发现人才,正确使用人才,关 Comrade Hu Yaobang pointed out in the report of the Party’s 12th National Congress: “We must comprehensively open up a new phase of socialist modernization construction. We must pay special attention to giving full play to the role of intellectuals,” and “make the whole party and society aware of intellectuals and workers. Like the peasants, we are determined to rely on the building of socialism, and we are determined to create conditions as much as possible so that the majority of intellectuals can feel comfortable and invigorate in their efforts to contribute to the people." We have repeatedly studied and repeatedly discussed Comrade Hu Yaobang’s remarks. Very kind. How do we create conditions for intellectuals and how can we inspire intellectuals? Looking back at the implementation of intellectual policy since the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Communist Party, we believe that as a leader in the education sector, we should be good at finding talents and be correct. Use talent, off
《周处》节选自南朝刘义庆编纂的《世说新语·自新》。 刘义庆,彭城(今江苏省徐州市)人,宋武帝刘裕侄子,袭封临川王,后任荆州刺史,官至尚书左仆射,中书令。《宋书·刘道观传
(一) 一、选择题。(23分) 1.选出下面带点字的正确读音。(3分) (A) shǖ (B) táng (C)ōu (D)tāng (E)chēng (F)qǖ G)kōu ①瞠目结舌[答]( ) ②子弹上膛[答]( ) ③蹚水