
来源 :激光与光电子学进展 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ycboyyb
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We report the upconversion luminescence of lithium fluoride single crystals excited by an infrared femtosecond laser at room temperature. The luminescence spectra demonstrate that upconversion luminescence originates from the color center of
In conventional pulsed laser deposition (PLD) technique, plume deflection and composition distribution change with the laser incident direction and pulse energy, then causing uneven film thickness and composition distribution for a multicomponent film and
A novel fiber-optic current sensing scheme is proposed by converting the Faraday rotation to the optical signal's degree of polarization (DOP) change. In this scheme, the lightwave passes through a fiber resonant cavity multiply and experiences Faraday r
焦斑的尺寸和形状主要由光束的波前畸变决定。为了减小大口径激光系统的波前畸变并提高焦斑能量集中度,对静态波前畸变采用了相位板补偿的方法。对于在建中的原型装置,主要考虑补偿主放大系统的波前畸变。根据补偿板摆放位置处的光通量和加工的难易程度,综合考察了四个摆放位置的优缺点,提出用补偿板替代腔镜对波前进行补偿。建立了求解补偿板面形的数值计算模型,就设计时采用的钕玻璃片滤波截止频率做了讨论,得出用0.01 mm-1的截止频率做低通滤波后可以得到最佳补偿效果,给出了补偿板的面形分布和加工方法。模拟结果表明,采用这种方
We have investigated the whole polarization-extinction-ratio (PER) spectrum and annealing properties of 45°-tilted fiber gratings (45°-TFGs). Experimental results show the PER spectrum of 45°-TFGs is a Gaussian-like profile and covers a 540 nm bandwidth f
A type of spatial modulating micro Fourier transform spectrometer (FTS) based on micro multi-step mirrors (MMSMs) is designed and manufactured in this paper. The interference system is based on Michelson interferometer, using two MMSMs instead of plane mi
为了系统地研究Eu原子的自电离光谱并讨论其多种不同的光谱特性,采用三步孤立实激发技术,分步将Eu原子从基态经中间态(4f76s6p6P5/2或 4f76s6p8P5/2)共振激发到4f76sns(n=7和8)或4f76s7d Rydberg态,然后将其进一步激发至4f76p1/2ns及4f76p1/27d自电离态。不仅观察到了4f76p1/2ns(n=7和8)和 4f76p1/2nd自电离Rydberg系列间的组态相互作用,而且还识别出了混合于4f76p1/2ns自电离光谱中的属于其他系列的复杂结构,并对
Based on the theory of semiconductor laser pattern and the non-paraxial vectorial moment theory of light beam propagation, the beam quality factor M^(2) of TE_(0) propagating mode is analyzed and calculated. The result shows that when both core layer and