Study on polarization spectrum and annealing properties of 45°-tilted fiber gratings

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We have investigated the whole polarization-extinction-ratio (PER) spectrum and annealing properties of 45°-tilted fiber gratings (45°-TFGs). Experimental results show the PER spectrum of 45°-TFGs is a Gaussian-like profile and covers a 540 nm bandwidth from 1260 to 1800 nm, in which the bandwidth with PER greater than 10 dB is over 250 nm. The output polarization distribution of 45°-TFGs was analyzed by employing a bulk linear polarizer, and the results show a perfect figure “8”, which indicates that the 45°-TFG is a type of linear polarizer. Moreover, the annealing property of 45°-TFGs was measured up to 700°C, in which the PER of the grating started to decrease at 300°C and reached the minimum at 700°C. Based on these results, the 45°-TFGs can be used as an ultra-wide bandwidth in-fiber polarizing device.
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