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2004年9月1日,在俄罗斯北奥塞梯共和国别斯兰市第一中学发生了惨绝人寰的劫持和杀害人质事件,300多名无辜平民死亡,近半数是儿童。俄境内这类恐怖事件屡屡发生,绝非偶然。车臣问题是最重要的根源,其中既有深刻的历史渊源和现实背景,也有俄罗斯国内外各种因素的相互交织。人质事件对普京和俄政府提出了严峻挑战,对俄罗斯政局将产生巨大而深远的影响。本期专题中刊登了2篇相关分析文童,内容各有侧重,观点也不尽相同。见仁见智,本刊尽量尊重作者的意见。 On September 1, 2004, a brutal death and hostage-taking occurred in the First Middle School of Beslan, Russia’s North Ossetia Republic. More than 300 innocent civilians were killed and nearly half were children. It is no accident that such terrorist incidents in Russia occur frequently. The Chechen issue is the most important root cause. There are both profound historical origins and realistic backgrounds, as well as the interweaving of various factors at home and abroad in Russia. The hostage incident poses a severe challenge to Putin and the Russian government and will have a huge and far-reaching impact on Russia’s political situation. In this issue, there are 2 related articles published, focusing on content and opinions. Different opinions, this publication try to respect the author’s opinion.
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引言:  泛读课作为高等学校英语专业的一门基础课程,对于提高学生的阅读能力和开阔学生对英语国家文化的认识起着举足轻重的作用。优秀的英语文学作品,不仅为英语学习者提供了一定社会语境下的语言范本,使他们能更深刻地理解作者描摹的文化背景,又给他们带来了不可替代的精神愉悦和审美享受。2000年版的高等学校英语专业英语教学大纲用文学作品的难易程度作为衡量学生阅读能力的标准之一,认为经过一个学年的学习,学生应