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注水是油田开发的重要环节,随着油田开发由快速上产逐步转向增储稳产,传统的管理模式难以适应目前对油田注水的精细管理要求,夯实稳产基础,提高油田开发水平,必须以精细注水管理为核心。油田数字化建设的不断深入,通过对注水井压力、流量等生产参数的自动采集,开发了注水井工况分析系统,实现了报表自动生成、故障智能诊断、流量远程调配和注水动态实时监控的功能;形成了油田注水信息化管理模式,为油田注水精细化管理提供了有效的技术手段。 Water injection is an important part of oilfield development. With the development of oilfields gradually shifting from high-yielding to high-yielding and steady production, the traditional management model can not meet the current fine management requirements of oilfield waterflooding, solidifying the foundation of stable production and raising the level of oilfield development, Management as the core. The deepening of digital construction of oilfields, the automatic acquisition of production parameters such as pressure and flow of water injection well has been developed to analyze the condition of water injection well and realize the functions of automatic report generation, fault diagnosis, remote flow distribution and real-time water injection monitoring The formation of an information management model for oilfield waterflooding has provided an effective technical means for fine management of oilfield waterflooding.
New Year and Christmas day are worldwide grand events,and fireworks are essential decorations for the celebrations,as well as the most amazing idea to kick off
本文介绍了μXL系统在新乡化纤厂万吨短丝扩建工程黄化工序自动控制方面的应用,实践表明它对提高产量、质量,具有良好的效果。 This paper introduces the application of
1病例介绍患者男,54岁。因咳嗽、咳痰伴咽部疼痛2d,于2006年12月5日入院。既往有青霉素过敏史。体检:T37.2℃,P80 1 case description Patient male, 54 years old. Due to
翻译的可译性是译学界争论的热点,本文试从关联理论的角度来讨论翻译的可译性问题,争取为翻译的可译性问题提供一个新的视角。 The translatability of translation is a ho