
来源 :阴山学刊(自然科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:youngyyw
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传统的图书管理模式给读者和管理人员带来不方便,利用软件工程方法科学地开发图书馆管理系统,有效提高了软件的可靠性,可维护性和可理解性。自动化的图书馆技术彻底的将工作人员解脱出来,减轻以往繁忙的工作,减小出错的概率,使读者可以花更多的时间在选择书和看书上。从而使人们有更多时间来获取信息。 The traditional mode of library management brings inconvenience to the readers and administrators, and uses software engineering to develop the library management system scientifically, which improves the reliability, maintainability and comprehensibility of the software effectively. Automated library technology completely frees up workers, alleviates the burden of past work, reduces the chances of errors, and allows readers to spend more time on book selection and reading. So that people have more time to obtain information.
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目的应用分子遗传学方法对患者在基因水平上作出诊断。方法应用dystrophincDNA 14kb探针(包括 6个亚探针 1 2a ,2b 3 ,4 5a ,5b 7、8、9 14 )与 1名 18岁的临床表现温和肌营