Study of the Influence of Traveling Field Frequency and Wave Length on Pressure-Flow Rate Characteri

来源 :Journal of Iron and Steel Research(International) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hnsushiheng
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The paper studies specific pumping characteristics of the annular linear pumps with travelling field(ALIP)for liquid sodium.This research represents a preliminary step in the study and development of very large electromagnetic pumps able to provide high flow rates.Since in such cases the magnetic Reynolds number are quite large,it is necessary to take into account the full magnetohydrodynamic interaction between the electromagnetic field and the liquid metal flow inside the pumping channel.The case where the velocity field is uniform in the channel cross section is firstly considered.Then,the coupling between the electromagnetic aspects with the hydrodynamic ones in a 2D axisyrnmetric fmite element model is studied,in order to compare the magnetic convection and the magnetic diffusion. The paper studies specific pumping characteristics of the annular linear pumps with traveling field (ALIP) for liquid sodium. This research represents a preliminary step in the study and development of very large electromagnetic pumps able to provide high flow rates. Since in such cases the magnetic Reynolds number are quite large, it is necessary to take into account the full magnetohydrodynamic interaction between the electromagnetic field and the liquid metal flow inside the pumping channel. The case where the velocity field is uniform in the channel cross section is first considered.Then, the coupling between the electromagnetic aspects with the hydrodynamic ones in a 2D axisyrnmetric fmite element model is studied, in order to compare the magnetic convection and the magnetic diffusion.
We study an assembly system where one assembler produces a final product to satisfy the price sensitive and uncertain demands.One unit of final product needs in
摘要:如何有效地减少复习过程中的遗忘,按照“滚动+渗透”的总体思路,可以帮助学生构建认知结构,增强模式意识;以专题形式来突破难点、巩固重点、消除模糊点;把“引导探究”运用到复习的各个环节中.  关键词:高中物理;复习课;滚动+渗透  在每年高考结束之后,我校物理教研组都要召开一次高三物理复习反思总结会.在会上,很多教师提出了这样的问题:复习高一内容时,学生对高二、高三的知识遗忘得很厉害;而在复习高
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