What’s the Future of Paper Books(节选)

来源 :校园英语·上旬 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jianxiaxjb
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  The word “book” used to be so simple. We are all familiar with the feeling: craving the smell of a well-worn book, the weight of it in the hands; all of our favorite books are on shelves, and we want to see them every day. However the emergence of the e-book brings in a heated discussion: what’s the future of paper books? Will they be replaced, even disappear in the future? I agree with Michael Agresta, a senior writer living in Los Angeles, who claims that “[t]he book will survive, but its place in culture will change significantly. I believe that the main use of paper books as a tool of conveying information may disappear, instead having different appearance and meanings when exist in the future.
  Let’s review the process of how human beings get to paper books: our ancestors first wrote on stone or shell; then, on trade bone; third, on bamboo and silk; next, on parchment; finally, on paper. It’s clear that the change all over time, the choice we make and the direction we go are always follow the track of convenience and efficiency. Paperback books are, on the whole, small and lightweight, easy to produce and carry around. However, e-books are even better at—they’re smaller and even lighter, and they’re certainly cheaper and easier to produce. Being so small, it can fit into a pocket easily; being so convenient, people can do some readings whenever they are and download articles or books even when they’re not connected to Wi-Fi. Plus, e-books are so much cheaper because publishers don’t have to make up the cost of manufacturing the books. Some people may argue that e-books are uncomfortable to read and do harm to our eyes. However, e-devices like “kindle” can already provide readers a paper-like reading experience. When you read on it, you may have the illusion that it’s not an e-book device, but paper under a piece of thin glass. With the quick development of technology, it’s easy for us to increase the text size, the color of the letter, or the whole background. Even in the darkness, you can change the light of the screen and read clearly, and that’s what paper books can’t accomplish.
  As for paper books, the main argument about why they would not be replaced mostly based on their value of conveying information and knowledge. As we all know, paper books are our best friends as well as good teachers, they make us know more about ourselves, others and the outside world. However, in my opinion, their function as “an efficient vessel for text” can’t serve as a supporting reason any more. Because only one e-book device can contain hundreds even thousands of novels, which means you can carry an entire small library with you wherever you go. Besides, the information stored in e-books can be updated in time, be spread widely and have little chance for missing. So the feeling of pity and disappointment while coming across fragments of poetry or some incomplete classic when you read on paper will all go in the wind.   Besides, e-books can create a new reading style and make reading more interesting and active. For example, when I read on a magazine about “Watergate scandal,” I feel very confused, because I know little about this event. However, when I read on an e-book, things become much easier. What I need to do is to link on the hyperlinks, and then the introduction of Richard M. Nixon, the background of the event, the reason and consequences, and comments all come out at once. Sometimes, when people feel bored about reading, they can also turn the text into voice or play some related videos easily. E-books can help learn knowledge as well as help them relax.
  Moreover, nowadays, it’s more environmental-friendly to read with e-book devices, because a large amount of forest can be protected from being cut down to make paper. According to a report in China Daily, “Right now there are more than 200 million school students, consuming more than 550,000 tons of paper, which need to cut more than 11 million trees.” However it’s only a small part of trees cut down to make text books used by Chinese students. What’s the total number of trees we cut down for paper in China and the whole world is really hard to imagine. With lower cover of forest, “greenhouse” and pollution become more and more severe. Though the ideas like using both sides or papers, recycling used paper, or use other material like stone to make paper can do some help, but the effects are not obvious. As far as I’m concerned, with the “green” mentality growing stronger and stronger in today’s society, along with the endless growth of the internet, it’s a good chance for us to substitute e-books for paper books.
【摘要】由于农村小学经济条件落后,传统的“一刀切,一锅煮”的英语教学模式,忽视了学生的个性差异,妨碍了学生的个性发展,学生的学习兴趣和能力都难以得到提高。为了扭转这种局面,在课堂中实施分层教学,它能面向全体学生,尊重学生的个体差异,使更多的学生体验成功的乐趣。  【关键词】差异 分层教学 评价  一、前言  从事小学英语教学已有几个年头了,总感觉所教班级多,时间少,任务重,加上随着年级的增高,两极
Women best gained greater equality by uniting for greater strength. Women used that unity in religious congregation to build events. Their ideology allowed women to unite, and they finally pursued pra
【摘要】近年来,根据我国英语教学界关注的焦点,词汇在其中的重要地位已不言而喻。但实际教学中大多集中在口语、听力、课文整体教学和阅读能力的教学等方面,而词汇的教学受到了冷落。本文试图通过综合阐述词汇教学在英语中的地位和作用,呼吁在英语教学中要重视词汇教学,并就教学方法进行探讨。  【关键词】高考改革 词汇 教学  新课程标准对高中毕业学生英语词汇的掌握有一定的要求:运用词汇理解和表达不同的功能、意图
【摘要】《受活》是阎连科代表作之一,在国内外广泛流传,其英译本Lenin’s Kisses 在西方颇受欢迎,在推动《受活》以及中国文化在国外传播的方面,起到了不可或缺的作用。本文从“目的论”角度分析了Carlos Rojas英译本Lenin’s Kisses中的翻译策略——在“忠实性法则”的指导下,为了让使译本保持中国本土特色,译者采取直译策略;在“目的性法则”的指导下,为了迎合西方读者的审美以及
【摘要】拼读法在小学英语词汇学习中的运用,可以避免机械枯燥的单词背诵,提高学生学习英语的兴趣。学生掌握了拼读法中的音形对应规则,学会认读音标,可以提高单词识记效率,提升综合语音能力,实现“见词能读”的目标。  【关键词】小学英语 拼读法 词汇教学  词汇教学是小学英语课堂教学的重点,学生只有积累足够多的词汇才可以流畅地阅读和表达。目前,很多英语课堂的词汇教学还是以机械重复识记为主,学生课业负担重,
【摘要】在信息化时代的大背景下,教学改革的潮流中,将不可避免地出现了信息元素的教学方法,微课作为一种新的教学模式,在高中英语课堂出现,既符合时代发展的特点,又是提高英语教学质量的好方法,主要体现在对学生的积极性影响和知识点的明确性,但由于仍处于初步使用阶段,现我们主要结合已有的试教经验谈谈微课在高中英语教学中的应用方法。  【关键词】微课 高中英语教学 提高 方法  在信息时代,人们获取信息的渠道
【摘要】经过几十年的发展,语用学已经成为语言学研究中不可忽视的重要领域。作为语用学研究中的重要理论,间接言语行为理论越来越收到人们的关注。使用间接言语行为是为了礼貌的需要,但并不完全是为了礼貌。所以它们并不是简单的对应关系。本文从间接言语行为入手,分析其与礼貌的关系,并简要阐述影响话语礼貌性的因素。  【关键词】间接言语行为 礼貌 影响因素  引言  礼貌原则是人际交往的重要手段。它不仅可以体现出
【摘要】如今,在高中英语教学过程中,教师们对学生们英语成绩过于的重视,进而忽视了英语教学课堂中文化的渗透,出现学生们缺乏对中西方文化的了解和掌握,学生们的素质文化教育不断的降低。所以,教师们需要采取相应的教学策略,来对高中英语教学中的文化进行补偿教育,进而让学生们进行全面的发展和提高。本文将以高中英语教学中的文化补偿为中心,从以下几个方面进行详细的分析和探讨。  【关键词】高中英语 教学课堂 文化