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根据李亚普诺夫直接方法,给出了一种基于参考模型的非线性系统反馈线性化的简便方法。该方法首先确定一个具有希望动态特性的线性参考模型,然后利用李亚普诺夫方法设计系统的非线性控制律,使被控对象的状态趋近于线性参考模型的运动状态。将这一方法应用于大型发电机非线性励磁控制律的设计,实践表明,所得结果同用微分几何法与逆系统方法得到的结果完全相同。该方法仅涉及现代控制理论的基本内容,不涉及微分几何与微分代数等知识,有效地降低了非线性设计的复杂性 According to the Lyapunov direct method, a simple and convenient method of feedback linearization of nonlinear system based on reference model is given. The method first determines a linear reference model with desired dynamic characteristics and then uses Lyapunov’s method to design the system’s nonlinear control law so that the state of the controlled object approaches the state of the linear reference model. This method is applied to the design of nonlinear excitation control law for large generators. Practice shows that the obtained results are identical with those obtained by the inverse system method using the differential geometry method. The method involves only the basic content of modern control theory, does not involve knowledge of differential geometry and differential algebra, effectively reducing the complexity of nonlinear design