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Objective To establish an animal model of inflammatory pleural effusion.Methods Forty guinea pigs were divided into two groups: experimental group with 7 subgroups and control group. In the experimental group the right chest cavity of each guinea pig was injected with 0.8~1.0 ml of 1% carrageenan, and guinea pigs of each subgroup were killed and observed respectively on day 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 10 and day 14 after injection.Results Occurring on day 1(within 24 hours), pleural effusion reached the maximum on day 2~3 after injection, so did the neutrophil count in pleural effusion and inflammation of both pleura and lungs and then gradually decreased. The fibrosis and adhesion of pleura appeared on day 7 and were obvious on day 10. The encysted pleurisy was formed on day 14.Conclusion The carrageenan is an ideal pleural inflammatory inducer. This animal model is useful for studying pleural effusion. Objective To establish an animal model of inflammatory pleural effusion. Methods Forty guinea pigs were divided into two groups: experimental group with 7 subgroups and control group. In the experimental group the right chest cavity of each guinea pig was injected with 0.8-1.0 ml of 1% carrageenan, and guinea pigs of each subgroup were killed and observed respectively on day 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 10 and day 14 after injection. Results Occurring on day 1 (within 24 hours), pleural effusion reached the maximum on day 2 ~ 3 after injection, so did the neutrophil count in pleural effusion and inflammation of both pleura and lungs and then gradually decreased. The fibrosis and adhesion of pleura had on day 7 and were obvious on day 10. The encysted pleurisy was formed on day 14.Conclusion The carrageenan is an ideal pleural inflammatory inducer. This animal model is useful for studying pleural effusion.
大双尾天社蛾Cerura erminea menciana Moore又叫柳(杨)二尾天社蛾,杨二尾舟蛾,属于鳞翅目天社蛾科。因本科幼虫大多颜色鲜艳,背部常有显著的峰突,臀足不发达或特化成为可向
针对读者来信咨询有关固体润滑的问题, 2月12日清华大学刘家浚教授接受了本刊记者的采访。 记者:读者来信问常用的都是液体润滑,什么场合需要采用固体润滑? 刘家浚:固体润滑
椰园蚧Tamnaspidiotus destructor(Signoret),又称琉璃盾蚧,近年来,发展很快,上升成为茶树主要害虫。贯塘茶场系1968年新建茶场,1971年开始投产,1974年以前尚未发现蚧类虫害
一九七八年八、九月间,我们在宜兴林场茶场、无锡跃进茶果场,应用江苏省金坛昆虫激素研究所合成的“灭幼脲”1号(Th6040,分子式 In August and September of 1978, we went t