ESI/MS of N-(O,O-Diisopropyl) Phosphoryl Aromatic Amino Acids and their Stability Investigation Usin

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The full scan ESI/MS and ESI/MS2 of N-(O, O-diisopropyl) phosphoryl aromatic amino acids (DIPPAAAs), N-(O, O-diisopropyl) phosphoryl phenylalanine, N-(O, O-diisopropyl) phosphoryl tryptophan and N-(O, O-diisopropyl) phosphoryl tyrosine, were obtained. The specific ions for them were found. Their stability in the LC mobile phase was investigated using developed HPLC/UV/ESI/MS and the results demonstrated that the DIPPAAAs were stable in the mobile phase (5 mmol/L NH4Ac-MeCN (80:20,v/v, pH7.5) within 48 h. The full scan ESI / MS and ESI / MS2 of N- (O, O-diisopropyl) phosphoryl aromatic amino acids (DIPPAAAs), N- (O, diisopropyl) phosphoryl phenylalanine, N- The stability of the LC mobile phase was investigated using developed HPLC / UV / ESI / MS and the results of that the the DIPPAAAs were stable in the mobile phase (5 mmol / L NH4Ac-MeCN (80:20, v / v, pH7.5) within 48 h.
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