余光明媚 栩栩如生——北齐高洋墓陶俑一瞥

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陶俑,是古代雕塑艺术中的重要门类。早在原始社会,人们就开始将泥捏的人体、动物放入炉中烧制。但是,真正意义上的俑发轫于商,至东周时代渐趋流行,秦汉时期得到了极大发展,三国两晋南北朝时期则到达鼎盛。南北朝时期,陶俑是官僚贵族阶层墓葬中主要的随葬品,陶俑的种类和数量随时代变化越来越丰富。尤其北朝陶俑,在继承前代陶塑工艺精华的基础上,吸收了外来文化与各少数民族文化艺术特点,表现内容丰富,形式多样,尤其注重对人物表情的刻画,达到很高的艺术水平。北齐是北朝时期最有影响力的一个朝代。北齐陶俑受佛教造像的影响,以饱满自然的人物特征和具有中国传统雕塑构建的组成形式,彰显了中国文化特有的内涵。河北磁县湾漳村高洋墓中出土的陶俑,就是北齐时期最具特色的北方陶俑。 Pottery figurines, ancient sculpture is an important category of art. As early as the Primitive Society, people began to mud and kneaded the human body, animals into the furnace. However, in the true sense of the warriors, they became popular during the Eastern Zhou Dynasty and enjoyed tremendous development in the Qin and Han dynasties. They reached their peak in the period of the Three Kingdoms, the Southern and Northern Dynasties. During the Northern and Southern Dynasties, pottery figurines were the main funerary objects in bureaucratic aristocratic tombs. The types and quantities of pottery figurines changed more and more with the times. In particular, the Northern Terracotta Warriors and Horses, on the basis of inheriting the essence of the former ceramic arts and crafts, absorbed the foreign culture and the characteristics of the arts and culture of all ethnic minorities. The performance of the figurines of the Northern Dynasties was rich in content and varied in form, paying particular attention to portraying the expression of characters and reaching a high artistic level. Northern Qi Dynasty was one of the most influential dynasties in the North. Influenced by Buddhist statues, the figures of Northern Qi Terracotta Warriors and Tomb show the unique connotation of Chinese culture with full and natural character and composition with Chinese traditional sculpture. The Clay figurines unearthed from the Tomb of the Tomb of Zhangcun, Cixian Bay, Hebei Province, is the most characteristic northern pottery figurine of the Northern Qi Dynasty.
Aligned carbon nanombes(ACNTs) were modified with polypyrrole(PPy) via electropolymerization.Because of the large specific surface area and excellent electrical