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近年玉米耕葵粉蚧在邯郸县呈加重发展趋势。该虫一年发生3代,以第二代危害为主,其发生于6月中旬至8月上旬,主要危害夏播玉米幼苗。6月中旬末,夏玉米出苗后,卵开始孵化为若虫,而后迁移到夏玉米的主茬根处和近地面的叶鞘内,进行危害。受害植株茎叶发黄,下部叶片干枯,矮小细弱,降低产量,重者根茎部变粗,全株枯萎死亡,不能结实。由于若虫群集在根部取 In recent years, corn cultivating sunflower mealybug in Handan County was aggravating the development trend. The worm occurred three generations a year, the second generation of harm-based, which occurred in mid-June to early August, the main harm to summer sowing corn seedlings. At the end of June, after the emergence of summer maize, eggs began to hatch as nymphs, and then migrated to the summer corn root stubble and near the surface of the leaf sheath, the hazard. Injured plants stems and leaves yellow, the lower leaves dry, short and thin, reduce production, severe root rhizome thicker, whole plant withered death, can not be strong. Because the nymph cluster in the root taken
The phase boundary theory and the contact rule of phase regions are compared, and some weaknesses of the latter are manifested. The comparison between the Gupta
Prof.Zhu Shunyi and his research team from the Institute of Zoology,Chinese Academy of Sciences,discovered nematode-derived drosomycin-type antifungal peptides(
The condensation reactions of aromatic aldehydes,5,5-dimethyl-1,3-cyclohexanedione and ammonium acetate efficiently promoted by several ionic liquids under solv
摘 要:经新课标的多次改革,高中数学教学由从前的教师为主导,逐渐演变为教师的作用为指导、引导,而学生为主体的自主多样性课堂,这样的课堂可以帮助学生更加主动地学习,锻炼学生思考、组织、分析、归纳等的能力。其中“一题多解”和“多题一解”在高中数学教学中有良好的价值,值得实践与推广。  关键词:高中数学;解题方式;思维模式  中图分类号:G633.6 文献标识码: A 文章编号:1992-7711(20