送去温暖 带回营养——大名县开展领导干部联贫活动侧记

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大名县是1992年确立的国家级贫困县。去年以来,全县副科级以上干部每人结对联系帮扶一个贫困户,通过联手扶贫,不仅使全县近万个贫困户6万多人口如期解决温饱,迈上了致富路,到1998年底全县如期实现了脱贫出列。同时,县委以“领导干部联贫”活动为契机,把联贫活动作为加强贫困县领导干部思想作风建设的突破口,送去了温暖,带回了营养,探索出了一条通过领导干部联贫加强领导干部思想作风建设的新路子。开展“领导干部联贫”活动,是大名县委、县政府在认真总结前几年扶贫工作和借鉴外地经验的基础 Daming County was established in 1992 as a national-level poverty-stricken counties. Since last year, all cadres at the deputy section-level or above in the county have helped each other to help one poor household. Through joint efforts to help the poor, not only have more than 60,000 poor people in the county solve the problem of food and clothing as scheduled, they have become the road to prosperity. By the end of 1998, County as scheduled to get out of poverty out. At the same time, the county Party committee took the opportunity of “leading cadres to join the poor” and took the poverty-alleviation activities as a breakthrough point to strengthen the ideological and work style building of the leading cadres in poor counties, brought warmth and brought back nutrition and explored a way through the leading cadres’ Poorly Strengthening the Leading Cadres’ New Way of Thinking and Style Construction. Undertaking the “Leading Cadres in the Poor” campaign is the basis for the county party committee and county government in seriously reviewing the past few years of poverty alleviation work and drawing on foreign experience
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<正> 近年来有些报刊谈到黄梅戏的发展,总要提 及《天仙配》;有的人在我面前说起《天仙配》, 又常露赞许之意。我觉得太看重了这个剧本的 作用。黄梅戏的发展,主要是由于五十