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修炼须知1.吃饭喝水时禁看(如果你实在想看,千万不要对着某位同胞,否则,当你因爆笑而喷饭喷水时,中招的该同胞会采用何种非常手段还击,实在让人难以预测。要知道,江湖上,冤家易结不易解啊!)2.严肃场合禁看(在各位忍笑的内功还没有修炼成熟的前提下,强忍笑意装严肃实在有损你的身体健康。万一你实在忍不住狂笑而影响氛围,“欠扁”的那个人就是你了!)3.神经脆弱者禁看(根据科学分析,人在 smile 时会牵动脸部100多根神经。对于神经脆弱者,在看本文时,轻者,狂笑导致面部神经瘫痪;重者,狂笑引起全身痉挛、口吐白沫、半身不遂……)哎!我们实在不愿看到如此人间惨剧,还请各位注意、再注意! Practice Notes 1. Forbidden to eat and drink (if you really want to see it, don’t face a certain compatriot. Otherwise, when you spray on a sudden burst of laughter, what kind of tactic you’re going to use in this compatriot will fight back? It is really hard to predict. It is important to know that on the rivers and lakes, it is difficult to solve the problems of the family.) 2. Serious occasions are forbidden. (In the premise that everyone’s patience is not mature yet mature, there is a sense of forbearance. Your physical health is damaged. If you can’t help laughing and affecting the atmosphere, the person who owes the “flat” is you!) 3. Nerve fragile people banned (According to scientific analysis, people will be involved in the smile There are more than 100 nerves on the face. For those who are vulnerable to the nervous system, when they look at this article, the light ones, the laughter causes facial nerve spasms; the heavy ones, the mad laughter causes whole body paralysis, foaming at the mouth, hemiplegia, etc.)) Oh, we don’t want to see it. To such a tragedy, please pay attention and pay attention!
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深入推进科学理财,就是要求各级部队坚持党委理财、创新理财、勤俭理财和效益理财,努力走投入较少、效益较高的经费保障路子。 Deepening the promotion of scientific fina