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区域经济史的研究在国内外学术界可谓方兴未艾 ,其中明清江南经济是中国区域经济史研究的热点之一 ,已发表的论著中 ,黄宗智《长江三角洲小农家庭与乡村发展》、刘石吉《明清
AIM: To observe the therapeutic effects of liposome-encapsulated adriamycin (LADM) on hepatoma in comparison with adriamycin solution (FADM) and adriamycin plus
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OBJECTIVE: To examine the influence that type of medical training and number of biopsies have on sensitivity of colposcopically guided biopsies. METHODS: Among
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A 44-year-old man. who was diagnosed with a gastrointestinal stromal tumor incidentally during emergency laparotomy for treatment of acute obstruction of small