Can We Define Translation as a Linguistic Process?

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  【Abstract】It has been at the center of fierce debate that how exactly we can define translation. This essay attempts to state that translation is not just a linguistic process, it also relates to cultural differences and translation strategies. Thus, we should try to apply suitable way to do precise and effective translations rather than confining it to linguistic aspect.
  【Key words】 Cultural Differences; Translation Strategies
  1. Introduction
  Translation can be defined as transferring the same meaning with different languages (Picken, 1983). So it is likely that this can be called a linguistic process because it deals with lexis, sentences, grammar and so on. However, other elements should also be taken into account.
  2. Cultural Differences
  (1)Expressions and culture.As is known, customs that differ among countries may make distortion and mislead readers. For example, people from western countries treat dogs as intimate friends, as companions. Dogs can even own household records as human beings. This seems ridiculous to those Chinese who just consider dogs as animals taking care of the family. Thus, in English, we can find phrases like “love me, love my dog”, “a lucky dog”, “every dog has his day”.
  (2)Idioms and culture.Sometimes idioms in original text are factors leading to confusion in translation. For example, if we translate the word “potluck” from linguistic aspect, it seems refer to a pot that may bring luck to you which is totally different from its real meaning. It is argued that we could translate it with the knowledge of linguistics, which is to translate two words separately and then use synthetic analyses to get out a new meaning. In this way what we get are not the patchwork meanings of two words, but is the true meaning through creation. However, it is nearly impossible for the non-native learners to recognize the exact meaning of idioms since there are a large amount of backgrounds behind the idioms.
  3. Translation Strategies
  (1) Literal Translation.Literal translation seems to be a kind of method only stresses on semantic meaning of sentences or paragraphs. However, a part of words with solid definitions in the dictionaries do not often used in reality or we cannot find a concrete substance to refer to the meaning. Furthermore, as for those words with various meanings, when they are put into certain context, their meanings will change frequently that is not easy to reach (Hervey and Higgins, 1992). For example, the word “sound” in the phrase “sound advice”, it means “good”. But in the phrase “a sound person”, it refers to “calm”. Thus, in the literal translation the translator also needs to try to use replacement and choose the most appropriate word while following the form of original text rather than just using the linguistic tool.   (2) Free translation.Free translation produces the target language text without conforming to the style, form, or content of the original text (Newmark, 1988). It cares more about the TL readers since it facilitates readers’ understanding. For instance, a sentence in English “I give my youth to the sea and I came home and give her (my wife) my old age”. If we translate the sentence only with the knowledge in linguistics, it could be “我把青春獻给海洋,我回家的时候便把老年给了我的妻子”, which is using literal translation and is hard to understand the deep meaning. Some may argue that it makes sense in Chinese because it relies on the meaning and structure of the original text. However, it is a challenge for the Chinese readers to fully comprehend. When it is translated into “我把青春献给海洋,等我回到家里见到妻子的时候,已经试白发苍了”, which tries to describe the grey hair of his wife to express “give her(my wife) my old age. It seems to be easier to be understood when we rearrange the sentence of the structure and add more words to explain.”
  4. Conclusion
  Although we could also do translations with knowledge in linguistics, such as semantics, syntax and pragmatics which is also a linguistic process, this essay has shown that it is likely to cause distortion and confuse the readers without knowledge in culture and strategies.
  [1]Hervey, S.
【摘要】本文结合笔者的语言学习经验,通过对比分析英法两种语言在语法、词汇、句子结构等方面的特点,为有一定英语基础的法语初学者提供一些经验方法。  【关键词】英法语言;对比分析;影响  【作者简介】赵志男,杨春雨,焦丹,河南工业大学。一、引言  随着我国外语教育的不断发展,英语已经逐渐得到普及,法语学习者也逐年增多。大部分学生在接触法语之前,已经学习过数年的英语,有了一定的基础,能够比较熟练地进行英
【摘要】随着全球化步伐的加快,英语也逐渐成为目前国际通用语言之一。因此在英语教育教学中也必须提高教学的有效性,而这就需要在教育理念和教学方式上进行创新,只有这样才能构建高效英语课堂,促进学生的全面发展。基于此,本文就简单探析了以创新促高效,构建初中英语优质教学的策略,希望可以为相关教育工作者提供参考借鉴。  【关键词】初中英语;课堂教学;创新  【作者简介】相里丽,山东省聊城市文轩中学。  引言 
【摘要】所谓小学英语课堂的“教学评一致性”,就是在英语教学、学生学习和教育评价的组织和实施中保持一致,从教学目标、教学设计、教学安排、教学组织和教学实施等不同的教学环节中都能始终秉持一致的教育实施理念和教育实施形式,并借此为学生提供有效的英语绘本学习环境,进而帮助学生在语言学习过程中达成良好的知识学习和能力训练效果。  【关键词】教学评一致性;绘本教学;小学英语  【作者简介】黄华梅,福建省宁德市
【摘要】伴随着我国教育事业的不断改革创新,在初中阶段,兴趣教学法已然被大多教育工作者广泛应用,英语也不例外。兴趣是最好的老师,对提升学生的学习能力有着重要的作用。《新课程标准》明确提出必须激发学生学习兴趣、增强学生信心、让学生养成良好的学习习惯。因此,英语教师在教学过程中要不断改革创新教学模式,激发学生学习兴趣,调动学生积极性。  【关键词】兴趣教学;初中英语;内驱力;培养;激发  【作者简介】闫
【Abtract】In the last 16 years, Margaret Lawrence’s short novel The Loons has always attracted researchers’ attention at home and abroad. From the view of domestic published papers, both the number and
【摘要】小学阶段的学生是处于吸纳新知识和新内容最快的阶段,英语作为一小学教学中的重要组成部分,通过借助小学生好学的天性能够有效地提升学生们的学习积极性。让学生们以学为教,围绕他们对新的语言知识的好奇、新鲜感以及体验感来提升教学的效率,从而能够全面提升英语课堂教学的有效性。  【关键词】小学英语;课堂教学;有效性策略  【作者简介】周燕平(1983.11-),女,广东汕头人,广州市增城区荔江小学,本