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在中国文学形象画廊中,剧本《雷雨》中的周朴园这个不朽的反面典型一直遭到人们的唾弃。他既冷酷凶残又自私虚伪……似乎罪恶累累,天良丧尽,一无是处。作家曹禺本人也说过:“周朴园这个人可以说是坏到家了,坏到连自己都不认为自己是坏人的程度。”故而习惯定向思维的人们,包括不少教材、教学参考书上的分析,在看待周朴园三十年来一直怀念侍萍这一举动上,也就贴标签式地冠以虚伪的帽子,说他是个道貌岸然的伪君子。否则,三十年后,侍萍突然出现在他面前,又为何不相认?表面看来,不无道理,但细细咀嚼,这种评价,又显得美中不足。人们可以就是否相认这个问题进行设想,三十年后,侍萍出现要是破镜重圆、旧梦重温,那向繁漪如何交待,对鲁贵又如何安排?他周朴园自己十分看重的名誉又将会怎样?我们认为在怀念侍萍的感情方面,与其说是虚伪的,不如说是真诚的,是人性未泯的表现。 In the Chinese literary image gallery, the immortal negative of Zhou Puyuan in the play “Thunderstorm” has always been spurned by people. He is cruel and cruel and selfish and hypocritical... It seems to be guilty of sin, and he is utterly destitute and has nothing at all. Writer Cao Yu himself also said: “Zhou Puyuan can be said to be a bad home, bad enough to even not think he is a bad person.” People who are accustomed to directional thinking, including many textbooks, teaching reference books on the analysis Regarding Zhou Puyuan’s 30th year of remembrance of She Ping, he also labelled a hypocritical hat and said that he was a hypocrite. Otherwise, three decades later, Shi Ping suddenly appeared in front of him, why not recognize each other? On the surface, it is not unreasonable, but chewing it carefully, this evaluation is also in the ointment. People can conceive of whether or not to recognize this issue. Thirty years later, if Shi Ping appears to reunite and revisit old dreams, how would he explain to Fan Shi and how to arrange for Lu Gui? His reputation, which Zhou Puyuan himself valued, will How do we think that remembering the feelings of She Ping is not so much hypocrisy as it is sincere and a manifestation of human nature.
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