The constraints of strain partitioning and geochronology in Luonan-Luanchuan tectonic belts on Qinli

来源 :Science in China(Series D:Earth Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:a595420725
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The Luonan-Luanchuan tectonic belt lies between the North China Block and Qinling Mountains, in- cluding the Luonan-Luanchuan fault zone and the strong deformation zone to the north of the fault. The ductile shear zone, imbricate brittle fault and duplex structure in the fault zone now are the expression of the same tectonic event in different depth. Such lineation structure exists in the tectonic belts as mineral lineation, elongation lineation, crenulation lineation, sheath folds and so on, indicating NE-directed plate motion. Fold axes and thrusts in the strong deformation zone are inclined to the Luonan-Luanchuan fault zone at small angles. The structures with different natures show a regular pattern, produced during oblique convergence of plates. The convergence factors are as follows:The direction of plate convergence is 22°, 31° and the angle between the plate convergence direction and plate boundary is 73°, 82° respectively in the west and east segment. The Luonan-Luanchuan tectonic belt was deformed strongly in 372 Ma, resulted from Erlangping back-arc ocean basin subduction sin- istrally and obliquely to North China Block during the collision of North China Block and South China Block. The Luonan-Luanchuan tectonic belt lies between the North China Block and Qinling Mountains, in- cluding the Luonan-Luanchuan fault zone and the strong deformation zone to the north of the fault. The ductile shear zone, imbricate brittle fault and duplex structure in the fault zone now are the expression of the same tectonic event in different depth. Such lineation structure exists in the tectonic belts as mineral lineation, elongation lineation, crenulation lineation, sheath folds and so on, indicating NE-directed plate motion. Fold axes and thrusts in the strong deformation zone are inclined to the Luonan-Luanchuan fault zone at small angles. The structures with different natures show a regular pattern, produced during oblique convergence of plates. The convergence factors are as follows: The direction of plate convergence is 22 ° , 31 ° and the angle between the plate convergence direction and plate boundary is 73 °, 82 ° respectively in the west and east segment. The Luonan-Luanchuan tectonic belt was deformed strongly in 372 Ma, resulted from Erlangping back-arc ocean basin subduction sin- istrally and obliquely to North China Block during the collision of North China Block and South China Block.
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患者男,24岁.右胸隐痛4年,加剧4 d,于1997年7月14日入院.患者自1994年起右胸隐痛,活动后尤甚,入院前4 d疼痛加剧,不得不下蹲以图缓解,疼痛呈持续性向右肋及右肩背处放射,无发热、气急等其他症状.体检:心率88次/分,心音低钝,各瓣膜区未闻及病理性杂音及心包摩擦音.左上腹有深压痛,心界右下缘扩大至右锁骨中线。