Integrated geophysical evidence for a new style of continent-continent collision beneath the western

来源 :Earthquake Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yangqimeng2008
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Along the western Kunlun-Tarim-Tianshan geoscience transect in the northwestern China,an integrated geophysical investigation was carried out. Owing to the abominable natural conditions there,the sounding profile could not cross the whole transect,consequentially,a variety of velocity structures in the transverse and vertical orientations beneath the whole transect were not obtained,such as the case within the western Kunlun orogenic belt. To supply a gap of deep seismic soundings within the western Kunlun orogenic belt,we used the Bouguer gravity anomaly data and the relationship between the compressive wave and the density to obtain the density structure of the crust beneath the western Kunlun and the southern Tarim basin by a forward fitting of gravity anomalies within the two-dimensional polygonal model of uniform medium. The crust of the Tarim basin with a rigid basement was like an asymmetrical arc,whose surface feature was the Bachu uplift in the middle of the Tarim basin. Beneath the conjoint area between the Tarim basin and the western Kunlun belt,there was a V-shape structure located just up to the top of the uplifted Moho. The multi-seismological structures jointly revealed that the face-to-face continent-continent collision beneath the western Kunlun is a new structural style within the continent-continent collision zone,which is a real model proved by the numerical modeling. Along the western Kunlun-Tarim-Tianshan geoscience transect in the northwestern China, an integrated geophysical investigation was carried out. The sounding profile could not cross the whole transect, consequentially, a variety of velocity structures in the transverse and vertical orientations beneath the whole transect were not obtained, such as the case of the western Kunlun orogenic belt, we used the Bouguer gravity anomaly data and the relationship between the compressive wave and the density to obtain the density structure of the crust beneath the western Kunlun and the southern Tarim basin by a forward fitting of gravity anomalies within the two-dimensional polygonal model of uniform medium. The crust of the Tarim basin with a rigid basement was like an asymmetrical arc, whose surface feature was the Bachu uplift in the middle of the Tarim basin. Benea th the conjoint area between the Tarim basin and the western Kunlun belt, there was a V-shape structure located just just to the top of the uplifted Moho. The multi-seismological structures jointly revealed that the face-to-face continent-continent collision beneath the western Kunlun is a new structural style within the continent-continent collision zone, which is a real model proved by the numerical modeling.
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