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四十不惑,人民日报正当不惑之年。1948年——1988年,历经新中国诞生,生产资料社会主义改造完成,社会主义建设起步,十年内乱大破坏,十一届三中全会拨乱反正,十三大决定建设有中国特色的社会主义等等重大事件,我们国家发生了天翻地覆的变化。在党中央领导下,40年来(其中约14个月是在中共中央华北局领导下),人民日报作为中国社会的一面 Forty never doubts, People’s Daily legitimate devious age. From 1948 to 1988, after the birth of New China, the socialist transformation of the means of production was completed, the socialist construction started, and the chaos was greatly ruined in the past 10 years. The Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Communist Party of China ordered the establishment of socialism with Chinese characteristics in all directions. Other major incidents have seen earth-shaking changes in our country. Under the leadership of the Party Central Committee, for 40 years (about 14 months under the leadership of the North China Bureau of the CPC Central Committee) and as part of Chinese society
脱水素最早发现于20世纪80年代,它是植物中的一类胚胎发育后期丰富蛋白(late embryogenesis abundant proteins, LEA蛋白),属于LEAD-Ⅱ家族,分子量从9到200KD不等。近年来关于脱水素的研究发展很快,特别是逆境下脱水素对植物的保护作用引起了人们广泛的关注。脱水素富含甘氨酸和赖氨酸,具有很高的亲水性,能与膜脂结合阻止水分过多流失,以保护细胞免受干旱损伤。另
Pig breeds have significant differences in fat deposition and muscle development ability.However, the molecular mechanism behind these differences is still unkn
根据读者要求,今年本刊将分期介绍一年中四个季度的主要灾害性天气和农事活动。现将一季度(1~3月)主要灾害性天气和农事简介如下。 灾害性天气。阳历1~2月份,历来是我省的严寒
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The insulin-like growth factor type 1 receptor (IGF-IR) belongs to the tyrosine kinase (TK)receptor family. Besides being mitogenic, IGF-IR plays a crucial role