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北京农学院自2001年开始,已经有49名同学走入军营,其中40人获得“优秀士兵”称号,8人次荣立三等功,学院连续多年被评为“征兵工作先进单位”。为更好地做好大学生征兵工 Beijing Agricultural College since 2001, 49 students have entered the barracks, of which 40 were “outstanding soldiers ” title, 8 people Rongli third class, the College for many years been rated as “conscription advanced unit ”. In order to do a better job of recruiting college students
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A    阅读格言:经验丰富的人阅读时是用两只眼睛,一只眼睛看到纸面上的话(表层理解),另一只眼睛看到纸的背面(深层理解)。  [语篇导读]  高考女状元多还是男状元多?他们进入名牌大学后学的是什么专业呢?现在过得怎么样呢?让我们走进他们的“Lives after the test”。  As the college entrance exam drawsnear.many senior 3 st
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一、词语例解1.rescue【用法】vt.解救;救出(save from dangeror harm)They rescued the boy from danger.他们营救那个孩子脱险。He rescued three children from the burn
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