Detection of invisible phonon modes in individual defect-free carbon nanotubes by gradient-field Ram

来源 :Chinese Physics B | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:damitanqq
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We provide an effective method to investigate the field gradient effect in nanoconfined plasmon-matter interaction.Aligned ultralong SWNTs without defects were grown on marked substrates, followed by assembling gold nanoparticle clusters around individual nanotubes. The Raman scattering behavior of a nanotube placed in an atomic scale nanogap between adjacent nanoparticles was studied. In addition to the expected plasmon-induced Raman enhancement up to 103,the defect-free D-mode of an individual SWNT induced by gradient field is found for the first time. When the light is confined at atomic scale, gradient field Raman scattering becomes significant and dipole-forbidden phonon modes can be activated by quadrupole Raman tensor variation, indicating breakdown of the Raman selection rules. We provide an effective method to investigate the field gradient effect in nanoconfined plasmon-matter interaction. Aligned ultralong SWNTs without defects were grown on marked substrates, followed by assembling gold nanoparticle clusters around individual nanotubes. The Raman scattering behavior of a nanotube placed in an atomic In addition to the expected plasmon-induced Raman enhancement up to 103, the defect-free D-mode of an individual SWNT induced by gradient field was found for the first time. When the light is confined at atomic scale, gradient field Raman scattering becomes significant and dipole-forbidden phonon modes can be activated by quadrupole Raman tensor variation, indicating breakdown of the Raman selection rules.
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