A Cold Model Experimental Study on the Flow Characteristics of Bed Material in a Fluidized Bed Botto

来源 :Journal of Thermal Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:nikaixinma
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A cold model experimental study on the flowing characteristics of bed material between a fluidized bed ash cooler and a furnace of CFB boiler were discussed in this paper. The research results showed that flowing status of the bed material in a bubbling bed, which was run with a circulating fluidized bed together in parallel operation, was influenced by the pressure difference between the CFB and the bubbling bed, the switch status of unlocking air, and the structure of the exit of the bubbling bed. There was a circulating flow of bed material between CFB and bubbling bed. A cold model experimental study on the flowing characteristics of bed material between a fluidized bed ash cooler and a furnace of CFB boiler were discussed in this paper. The research results showed that flowing status of the bed material in a bubbling bed, which was run with a circulating fluidized bed together in parallel operation, was influenced by the pressure difference between the CFB and the bubbling bed, the switch status of unlocking air, and the structure of the exit of the bubbling bed. There was a circulating flow of bed material between CFB and bubbling bed.
5月 29 日晴周末,我和哥哥,还有小狗乐乐一起到附近的九华山公园去玩。那一天,天气很热,气温高达 35 度,我们想快点到九华山公园,因此一出门就开始一路小跑。跑到半路我突然