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题材背景和模型介绍《天堂II》是数年前韩国NC公司出品的网游大作,其庞大的系统,唯美的画面,优秀的美工,即使现在也没有几款网游可以超越。本次制作的GK人物就是出自于《天堂II》的黑暗精灵女法师的形象。GK模型又称为手办模型,其生产工艺与普通的塑料射出模型有很大的区别,因为几乎是全手工生产和原材料价格较高的原 Theme background and model introduction “Paradise II” is a few years ago South Korea NC company produced online games masterpiece, its large system, beautiful picture, excellent art, even if now there are several online games beyond. The production of GK figures is from the “Heaven II” Dark Elves female Master image. GK model, also known as the hands-on model, the production process and the general model of plastic injection is very different, because almost all manual production and raw material prices higher original
This paper calculates the wavelengths of the interband transitions as a function of the Al mole fraction of Al x Ga 1 x N bulk material.It is finds that when th
Influence of random initial amplitude perturbations on the filamentation of prefocused femtosecond laser pulses is numerically studied.Simulations are performed
This paper proposes an algorithm for road density analysis based on skeleton partitioning. Road density provides metric and statistical information about overal
本文对汉语古、今文献中将“着zhāo”写作“招”的现象进行考察,并对“着”的词义演变、音变过程等问题进行分析。 This article examines the phenomena of “writing zh
宜兴青瓷是中国陶都的一朵金花。以她素静雅致,晶莹青丽的特色著称于世,为人们所珍爱,同时在我国的陶瓷史上占有极其 Yixing Celadon is a golden flower of China’s Tao.
为了学习贯彻党的十三届七中全会精神,制定和实施好十年规划和“八五”计划,《中国计划管理》编辑部于一月二十二日,邀请部分经济学家和业务部门的负责同志刘国 In order to